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Minor depression, low mood, blues, sabotage - this is a common thing for a woman, and you should not be afraid of it. No matter how psychologists teach you to always keep your mark: smile at all adversities, always be in the flow, etc., life is life. A woman feels the world especially emotionally, so for her, ups and downs of mood and good health are the norm. This has to do with the distribution and storage of energy. I want to share with you my experience of how I survive such downturns and how I quickly get out of them. This scheme has been worked out by me for years and always works! 1. When I feel that my body wants to be lazy, to suck, I accept its desire. I don’t force myself, I don’t force: “Come on! Come on, rag, get yourself together!” No, I know myself very well and understand that this approach is unlikely to help me, rather the opposite. Therefore, I accept the desire to be lazy and give myself a certain period. For example, 3 days. I allow myself to mope for 3 days. I unload these 3 days as much as possible from obligatory tasks and calmly indulge in laziness and moping. Without remorse, without guilt and worry! After all, I understand: if such a desire arises, it must be satisfied, otherwise it will be worse!2. During this mini-vacation, I try to pamper myself with things that are missing from my regular life: lounging in bed longer, watching daytime TV shows, surfing the Internet not for work, but for personal interest. Dedicate this time to yourself. Do something that we have been denying ourselves for a long time! 3. I also listen to myself and try to figure out why my body suddenly decided that I need to take a break. Perhaps I have taken on too much and I need to reconsider my daily routine, or I am doing something unpleasant for myself and You need to pay attention to this area of ​​life. Thus, such a small respite allows me to find and correct the weak point in my life. 4. On the last day of my impromptu vacation, I begin to return myself to reality. But I do this not abruptly, but gradually. And I call this day “The Great Cleansing”. As the name implies, I polish my “feathers.” I wash away the energy of the blues so that not even a trace of it remains on me. Then I begin to put my space in order: I wash out the bad energy from the house, and put things on shelves. All this helps me not only wash away and drive away bad moods and apathy, but also gradually prepares me for normal active activities. 5. After I put myself and my space in order, I switch to my plans. After 3-5 days of rest and laziness, it is especially pleasant to dream about the future and reconsider your goals and desires. Believe me, during these days your outlook on life can change significantly, you can learn to listen to yourself and, perhaps, notice new desires in yourself. 6. After all these “sorting things out” procedures, creative energy usually increases and inspiration appears. Decide for yourself what you will direct it towards: get creative and create a beautiful thing, or prepare a culinary masterpiece and delight your family! After such an effective rest, new strength, inspiration, and new creative energy appear! You may argue that it is a luxury to follow your desires and spend a whole week being depressed. It’s better to cut off even thoughts of weakness at the root! Yes you are right. If it is important for you to be strong, to go ahead, to carry the burden of troubles, problems and responsibilities until you break under it, then my option is not for you. My option for those women who want to remain Women! Who knows the value of himself, his feminine weakness and his happiness. I prefer to spend 1 week and be reborn again to a happy life full of joy, inspiration and creativity, than to save this week and continue to rape, force myself, lose my feminine charm, and, in the end, come to the same depression, but already in the hospital, with pills and years of recovery. Taking care of you, Anastasia.