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I love working with the problem of money. Many people have no idea how many resources are hidden in this area. Sometimes a person has an income figure with six zeros in front of his eyes and he suffers and suffers, not knowing how to get it. Meanwhile, money is very important part of our life, but not our whole life. And we shouldn’t forget about this. We begin a graphical study of your financial sector. We will need: a blank sheet of paper; a black marker or felt-tip pen; colored markers or felt-tip pens. We take a black marker or felt-tip pen and draw a square on a blank sheet of paper. Draw it the way you want. This square is your life. Its symbol, its reflection on a sheet of paper. Now we draw the sphere of our income. We draw it in the form of a circle. What size your circle will be and where on the sheet it will be located depends on you. Be sure to sign your sphere of income so as not to forget what it is. If you want to color your sphere Be sure to color your income! Any color you want. Let's move on to the next sphere. This is the sphere of expenses. We also draw it in the form of a circle. We sign and color it. Next, we draw the sphere of savings. Also in the form of a circle, and color our savings. And now about the most important thing! Draw the sphere of dreams or desires!!! Color this sphere and see what we got. It’s very good if your square is located in the middle of the sheet and occupies almost the entire sheet. This indicates that you are very active in life and think very realistically. Congratulations on this! If the square is small, then your life position is far from active and you you should think about the style of perception of this world and yourself in it. It’s great if your income area is completely inside the square - your income depends only on you and your efforts - you are the master of your income. It’s very good if your income area is large enough - this means that you can fully provide for yourself. It’s good if the area of ​​expenses is less than the area of ​​income. This means you know how to plan and wisely invest the money you earn. It’s also good if the area of ​​expenses intersects with your area of ​​income - this means you are not a dependent and are not sitting on anyone’s neck. It’s great if there is an area of ​​savings. Or a financial cushion. In this case, this speaks of your financial independence and solvency. It’s also good if it intersects with the area of ​​your income. Now about the most vulnerable area - the sphere of dreams. These are all our desires! And they often haunt us. They make us feel dissatisfied with ourselves, our affairs and our income. It is because of them that we are often dissatisfied with ourselves and the world around us. Spend your graphical analysis and if you want, send it to me for analysis! And I invite those who want to understand and put things in order in their financial sphere to the online School of Effective Financial Thinking https://finansovoemushlenie.getcourse.ru/page1Telephone for consultations 89086407483