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Each person, regardless of age, has distinct individual traits. However, only with the help of the family can a person reveal the talents inherent in him, truly develop. Maxim Gorky once very accurately said: Children are the flowers of life, and fertile soil for their growth is a home with a healthy, warm atmosphere. Writers, psychologists , philosophers, teachers have studied and are studying the phenomenon of family. What is a family and what role does it play in a person’s life from the point of view of psychology? The family is considered as a space of joint life activity, within which the specific needs of people connected by blood and kinship ties are met. This space is a rather complex structure, consisting of various kinds of elements (roles, positions, coalitions, etc.) and a system of relationships between its members. We can safely say that the family plays a fateful role in the formation and development of the individual. First of all, parents, as well as other relatives, implement the education system. Its structure, its constituent elements and the impact that will be exerted on the child depend on: - the life values ​​of past generations, - the health (emotional and physical) of parents and their children, - the financial wealth of the family, social status, - place of residence, etc. .Conclusion: Without exaggeration, we can say that absolutely everything that surrounds a person educates him. The family as a collective expresses a micromodel of our society. Therefore, first of all, in the family, a child learns how to interact with people around him, acquires life values, beliefs, and attitudes. A person learns to get to know others, starting with his closest people. Ideally, people living under the same roof build warm relationships with each other and become a small team in which everyone has their own role. Through this role, a person enriches himself and enriches the lives of his loved ones, giving them every chance for self-realization. The system of raising a child chosen by the parents shows results already in the child’s preschool age, and then manifests itself in his work and social activities in the future. And these results can be both positive and negative. What does this depend on? Psychologists have long established that the development of a person’s personality with the help of the family has its own patterns. A person will grow and develop if: - members of his family show kindness and mercy to each other, - involvement in the development and functioning of the family of all its members the same - family relationships are distinguished by trust and openness, - in the family there is no criticism for shortcomings, there are no overwhelming demands, but there is support and help. Conclusion: Human development through the family plays a vital role. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the one who is happy in his home is truly truly happy: “All happy families are alike, and each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Lev Tolstoy