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From the author: The ability to manage emotions is impossible without the very fact of their expression. This not only leads to clarification of relationships, but also helps to improve health and reduce the psychosomatic component. The fear of open expression of emotions is very tenacious and requires separate study. In order for the expression of emotions to become more natural, it is important to motivate the expression of emotions, to show the attractiveness of their expression for oneself . The following reasoning will help: Emotions are directly related to needs (they provide information about the degree of their satisfaction), therefore their meaning and expression in a person’s life carries the following positive aspects: 1) Expressed emotions are information for the people around him: what is significant for a person, what is important to him indifferent.2) The expression of emotions contributes to a better understanding of oneself (one’s desires and needs), opens up new opportunities for self-knowledge for a person.3) Based on expressed emotions, contact arises and mutual understanding improves among communication partners. The absence of joint experiences, the non-expression of emotions outwardly leads to the emergence of alienation from other people or another person. For example, if spouses express little or no positive emotions when communicating with each other, alienation between them increases. 4) Shared experiences and expressions of emotions give a feeling of closeness between people, contribute to the development and deepening of their relationships, the emergence of friendship and love. And vice versa, if a person does not express his emotions to other people, does not share his experiences, he experiences loneliness from emotional inseparability.5) Energy discharge and response help restore mental balance. Accordingly, suppression of emotions and experiences leads to depression and psychosomatic diseases. 6) When expressing emotions, an energy charge is transmitted, activation, mobilization, and improvement of activity efficiency occur. 7) Emotion acts as a regulator of behavior, knowledge of the mechanisms of emotional regulation allows us to predict human behavior. 8) Emotions are associated with deep-seated needs and motivation, respectively, the expression of emotions is a manifestation of individuality a person, a manifestation of his self-expression. In other words, the expression of emotions contributes to the growth of self-affirmation, increased self-confidence, and an increase in the sense of self.9) The expression of emotions helps to improve the quality of life, enriching experience. Let us note that destructive external expression of feelings means, for example, shouting, name-calling, and actions that threaten the interlocutor. They are inadequate in relation to the interaction situation and lead to a breakdown in mutual understanding (the emergence of destructive conflicts), deterioration in performance and well-being (health).).