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In India they tell a story about a young man who spent his whole life studying the Kama Sutra - the “science of love”. And by the age of 80, he perfectly knew all the nuances of 175 poses! However, the poor fellow died without having time to try any of them. In Russia there are sayings: “A bad head gives no rest to your feet,” “A fool can’t stand seven miles.” These are about the same thing, these are two sides of the same coin. Yes, most often people fall into these two extremes - some without thinking, They press the wrong buttons, expecting results, but without even trying to figure out what’s going on in their lives. And others study this very life all their lives without ever starting to live. What keeps you from taking the first step? Inertia. Over the years, our life becomes more and more well-trodden, so well-trodden that for many it is already a deep rut, from which every year it becomes more and more difficult to get out. What else is stopping us? Fear that there is so much to do at once. One of Murphy's laws says: If nothing else helps, finally read the instructions. The Japanese have come up with a very simple and effective technique that allows you to very comfortably leave your comfort zone and at the same time move towards goals, without stopping, without giving up your efforts at the first obstacles and failures. In 1986, Masaaki Imai’s book “Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success” was published in Japan. Very quickly this technique spread throughout the world. It is used in business, in the simplest production processes, and in enterprise management strategy. But it is important for us that the KAIZEN technique can be applied in all areas of life! The word “kaizen” is translated very simply: “continuous improvement”. These are two hieroglyphs: The well-known success coach in America, Tony Robbins, based on the KAIZEN system, developed the principle of “CANI” - “constant and never-ending improvement”. It is difficult to start doing something. But it’s even more difficult not to quit, not to leave halfway. How many times has each of us started a “new life”! Almost everyone has such experience. Kaizen is just such a system that helps you move without stopping. There are only two directions in kaizen: IMPROVEMENT + MAINTENANCE What is the kaizen system based on? Ψ Basic principles of the system: * You need to start small. From 5 minutes a day. Just five minutes, but every day! There is more benefit from the system than from short-term action and subsequent inaction. If you immediately take a high tempo, it is very difficult to maintain it. After a breakdown it is more difficult to start. A simple example from the health sector. As we age, we feel more aware of our body. It is not so light, not so flexible, not so mobile. If you don’t play sports yet, don’t go to the gym or pool, then at least start with exercises. Just five exercises. And in just three approaches. If you have never done it at all, even this will be enough. Do it for three weeks. It is believed that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but in fact, it takes a little longer to develop a lasting habit. In 21 days, adaptation to the new occurs. Just write it down in your diary and introduce exercises into your daily routine. And let it seem frivolous and easy. You will see that even 5 minutes a day is very difficult to maintain for a long time. *It is easier to start as a team. Why? Because in a team it’s always easier not to break down, not to quit. When you come to the gym, you spend your hour or two working out. And if you start at home, there are too many distractions. That's why there are so many interest groups. They draw together, lose weight together, travel together, develop, train, learn a language. A special atmosphere arises in the team, different people are united by one goal, learn from each other, support and energize. Each of us individually has a thousand reasons to quit the race in the middle of the journey, but as a team people go further. It is more difficult to leave a team. A synergy effect appears in a team. This is when “1+1=3”. For example, an orchestra can perform something that it cannot performeach of the musicians separately. *It’s better to start with a leader, with a coach, with a person who knows. A coach, a teacher will always notice that you’re doing it wrong and “put your hand down.” You yourself can repeat something incorrectly for a long time and be very surprised why there is no result. Specialists in various fields help adjust treatment, education, training. Kaizen is one of the links in the Deming Cycle (PDCA cycle). This is a scientific method that is used in management in different areas: production, trade, business processes, etc. The Deming cycle is cyclically repeating steps: Plan - do - check - act. Or: plan - carry out the plan - study, think – improve, correct So. What to do?Ψ Take a notepad and write down 1 task for this year in each of the areas of life that is important to you. Something that will improve your life. It is convenient to do this using the Star of Prosperity or the Wheel of Balance.ΨSelect a control point - in six months. Write down WHAT should be done by now.Ψ Go from largest to smallest. Write down a task for yourself for the month. For a day.Ψ Determine for yourself the minimum that you will do every day. If you are already used to it, and this will happen in about a month, then you can introduce another addition, improvement. And don't let the slow traffic scare you. It is in slow, small steps that you will go further than if you make a breakthrough and then quit for “objective” reasons. Starting again will be even more difficult. You need to prescribe a minimum for yourself, which is done in any case, even if stones fall from the sky. You can do a little more if you’re in the mood, please, but tomorrow it’s the minimum again. Therefore, without fanaticism! Even if it does not yet correspond to your desired level, your ideal, you will begin to take small steps for the better. Agree, moving slowly is much better than marking time. It is very important to do everything with pleasure, without sacrifice and excessive effort. Don’t take on everything at once. When innovations, such as a contrast shower or the same exercise, reading books for 30 minutes or keeping a gratitude diary become the same need as brushing your teeth. Your body, your soul will get used to it and will ask for it, then you can connect another addition. And reinforce it again until it becomes a part of you. Everyone knows what can be done to improve their life. For example, reduce your coffee consumption. Decide that you only drink it in the morning. If you smoke, give up the most harmful first cigarette before breakfast. Replace sweets with dried fruits and drink water. Implement day planning, getting up early, reducing time spent on the Internet, sorting out papers, completing small tasks. Introduce nightly walks or morning jogging, sign up for a gym, a swimming pool, start learning a foreign language, go to a drawing school for adults. Don't forget about your friends and loved ones. Remember to relax and have positive emotions.Ψ Ask yourself the following questions: - What can I do today for 5 minutes to feel better? - What can I do today, right now, to improve my relationships? - What can I do now to progress in my business? - What small step can I take right now to get closer to my dream, my goal? - What can I do periodically, for example once a week? These can be very small tasks from different areas of life. Already after in a week we will feel better, some things that have been put on the back burner will be done, the burden of moral burden will become less. We spend a lot of energy holding unfinished things in our heads, much more than it takes to complete the task. Remember how easy it becomes, what a boost of energy and celebration in the soul when we say: “I did it!” You can arrange such holidays for yourself regularly! A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step Kaizen is not only quantitative improvements, but also qualitative ones. For example, you can increase not only the number of workouts, but also increase their intensity and variety. In your personal life, in relationships, it is not the quantity that matters.