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What do you think is stopping you from living in abundance and becoming a rich person? You will be surprised, but the main reason for the lack of money is not a small salary, but incorrect life attitudes (including regarding money and its increase). In this article we will talk about how to change your thinking in order to literally become a “magnet for money” and so that your wallet will never be empty again. Here's what you should pay special attention to: 1) An active life position is an essential condition for success. If you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, then it's time to take active steps to change it (rather than wait until life gets better on its own). Work should bring satisfaction, provide opportunities for income growth and improvement of professional skills. Does your work not meet these criteria? Then you shouldn’t hold on to it! Give it up and choose an activity that you really like (and according to your financial needs). 2) To become rich, you need to invest wisely Personal finance specialists have long come to the conclusion that it is necessary to regularly save, at least 10% of each income received. If you don’t yet know where exactly to invest your money so that it starts working for you, then just save it until better times. After all, sooner or later you will definitely understand the topic of increasing money, and it is important that at this moment your pockets are not empty. 3) Do not spend money on “liabilities” Haute couture clothes, massive gold jewelry, the latest iPhone model - all this is just “ a pile of stones,” blocking your path to wealth. To achieve financial well-being, money should not be spent on luxury goods, but invested wisely. Often, people, trying to be “no worse than others,” do everything possible to show off in front of their colleagues in a brand new foreign car or surprise your friends with a mink fur coat: At best, such people will never get rich, and at worst, they will fall into debt slavery. You need to communicate with them with great caution, because, once under their influence, you yourself risk becoming an adherent of ostentatious values.4) Don’t hesitate to ask sellers about discounts. Such questions do not detract from your dignity, but, on the contrary, show the seller that this is an intelligent person who values ​​his work and knows how to manage finances wisely. If you still don’t dare to bargain, then pay attention to promotions and sales. In this case, you also save your money, but you don’t have to step over yourself when entering into a conversation with the seller. 5) Failure is not a reason to give up and give up everything All successful people sometimes make mistakes. Their main difference from the majority is that they quickly recover from failures and learn useful experience from mistakes. Whatever happens, remember, this happens to everyone. The main thing is not to give up, but to continue to move towards your goal, using the mistake as the best source of wisdom. SUMMARY: If you don’t like your financial situation, then it’s time to think about serious changes in life. ADDITIONALLY: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” Read my article “What skills do you need to become rich.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO: I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE