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From the author: We continue the series of articles on self-coaching. This is an elementary but effective technique. The key to achieving a goal - from setting a task to its implementation - is to consider 4 points. Step 1. Goal - outline the desired result. At the first stage of this technique, we clarify the “subject” - what do we really want? So, ask yourself the questions below and write down your answers on paper. What problem is important to you to solve? How important is it to you and why? How would you formulate this goal? How does this goal inspire you? What benefits will you receive from achieving this goal ?What are the disadvantages if you don’t achieve it? What criteria will let you know whether you have achieved the goal or not? Is this goal within your control? On a scale of ten, how much do you rate your confidence in achieving this goal? Step 2. Reality – analysis of the current situation and available resources At this stage, it is important to understand: what is the current state of affairs, what is preventing you from achieving the result, and whether you have the resources to achieve what you want. How would you describe the current situation? Have you tried to solve this problem before? If so , then why couldn't this be done? What were the difficulties then? What internal or external limitations could prevent you from achieving your goal? What do you already have to achieve it? What else is needed? What should you change in yourself? How much do you trust yourself in the process of solving this task? Are there any risks in the process of achieving the goal? Are these real risks or an excuse for your inaction? Can someone stop you? If so, how? Who can help you? What resources do you not have? (Qualities, skills, knowledge) Is it possible to obtain these resources? Step 3. Options - alternative possibilities for achieving results Now is the stage of describing possible actions, from which you will then choose the ones that are suitable for you. What is the easiest way to solve this problem? If you had all the necessary resources, what would you do? What are the disadvantages and the advantages of the options you named? Which of the things written will give you the best result? Where can you find the necessary resources (knowledge, time, finances...)? Who can help with resources? What are you already doing that helps you achieve your goal? Do you know someone who can handle this kind of task easily? What qualities help him? Can you develop these qualities in yourself? What will help you with this? What will give you the motivation to solve this problem? Which solution do you like best? Step 4. Will - describes the way to achieve the result. Possibilities have been considered. Now you need to draw up a specific action plan. Determine what your first steps will be? What time frame will you set for them? What will be the final step? Are these steps realistic? Have you thought through all the possibilities? Or is there anything else you can add? What will help you stay motivated before implementing the plan? What support will you need? What will you do to get it? Who will be affected by your steps? If there is a negative reaction to your actions from people close to you, How will you handle it? On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you in implementing the plan? What actions need to be taken in order to stick to the plan? Are there deadlines for your steps? Are you satisfied with the plan? What will you please yourself with after achieving this goal? That’s the whole algorithm of work. This technique works perfectly in business. In everyday life, it can be used for those goals in relation to which you have no internal resistance - otherwise you will spend time working through issues, developing a plan, but will never do anything. It is better to analyze such goals in a coaching session with a professional. Thanks to this technique, you will learn to ask yourself effective questions, develop analytical thinking, strategic vision and planning skills. And in the next article we will talk to you about how to assess your readiness for change and increase your motivation.