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To be yourself is to act from your thoughts, feelings and desires To be yourself is to support yourself, even when everyone around you judges. To be yourself is to respect your desires To be yourself is is to respect your “I DON’T WANT” To be yourself is to follow your interests To be yourself is to accept your imperfections To be yourself is to say what you think, and not what they want to hear To be yourself is to do what you like In order to be yourself, you need courage and inner commitment. It is important to rely on something within yourself - stable and strong. Such support for a person can be his Values. Internal foundation. which is built over years and on which the human system is built. Values ​​begin to form from childhood. The environment, cultural characteristics, habitat, events influence what we value in our lives. Decisions are made and actions are taken through the prism of values. If we know them, then it’s easier for us to decide and do the “right” thing FOR OURSELVES. Values ​​are an internal compass that we can refer to along the way. Most often, we don’t think about them, we live by instinct. If something doesn’t work out we get upset, if it works out we’re happy. BUT, if you understand these issues, a person may have a vector, a guideline, and can add aspirations and energy to life. In coaching, working with values ​​is one of the important ones, since it is values ​​that reveal the motive for action. Until a person understands why he needs a certain goal, he marks time in one place and does not move. But when it is possible to understand, then the internal energy grows and the person is ready to overcome any obstacles and difficulties. How can you determine your values ​​yourself? Write a list of what is important to you in life (preferably 10 points). Next to each item, write the answer to the question: “Why is this important to you?” Look at what is most often repeated in the answers, this may mean what you value most. This exercise gives awareness and understanding and gives MEANING to actions and life in general. .There is an understanding of WHAT I LIVE FOR and do what I do. This is where the necessary courage appears, to be yourself, because it becomes clear why. Values ​​make us unique and we are who we are. We become who we are!