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Hello, dear readers. Once upon a time, journalist for The New York Times newspaper Nick Bilton, during one of his interviews with Steve Jobs, asked: “Do your children love the iPad?” “They don't use it. We limit the time that children at home spend on new technologies,” answered S. Jobs. If the founder of such a large corporation understood the need to limit children’s use of electronics, then we should probably follow his example. The generation of people who are growing up today Children of primary school age, for example, did not use electronics in their childhood, for the reason that such devices simply did not exist. But today, every child, starting from the age of 4-5, has not just a phone, but also a smartphone. For a more complete psychological picture, in addition to private practice, I work as an educational psychologist in one of the schools in my city and often observe the picture , like children of the first and second grades, and there is no need to talk about older ages, during breaks they constantly spend time playing games on their smartphones. But this is still a harmless phenomenon compared to what I saw when I looked into my child’s smartphone, namely, into one of the instant messengers. Not only teenagers, but also children, it becomes necessary to create some kind of groups in instant messengers and exchange various materials. In the class where my child studies, and this is the second grade, one boy created a group “Friends” to which he added six classmates. The group was created by him for one purpose - sharing video and photo material. But everything would be fine if this group did not contain swear words, abuse and swearing against the teacher and adults, which were written by the children themselves. In addition to games, children constantly watch the news, download funny pictures, and watch a lot of video material from a well-known hosting. The problem is that there is nothing positive or good in all of this. The child's psyche is structured in such a way that she is often not interested in learning anything cognitive. The most popular materials today are entertainment. But these entertainments contain, firstly, obscene language, secondly, they are teeming with cynicism, and thirdly, they incite children to show aggression. And it is not surprising that by consuming such information, the child becomes completely antisocial. The telephone is a very good device that helps to contact the child when he is not around. But the smartphone provides opportunities that go beyond simple conversations. A smartphone today is a source of various information, and most often, this information is not just harmful, it is hostile to the psychological state of the child. My children use push-button phones for communication. And they pick up smartphones at home, and then only with a limited time limit. I do not completely prohibit the use of a smartphone, because I understand that it is an integral part of our life, but as you understand, “Everything that is in small doses can become a medicine, but in large doses turns into poison.” This formula works everywhere. Including in relation to the consumption of information. I am convinced that the Internet, in its majority and in its content, in the dissemination of certain types of information becomes harmful to the psychological state of the child. And the Internet reaches the child through a smartphone. Take smartphones from children. If you liked my article, I would be grateful for reposts, comments and your likes. Thank you for your attention. Psychologist, Alexey Vasenkin.