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Who am I? Have you often asked yourself this question? And what answer did you have to it? In psychology there is the concept of “identification/self-identification” and it is extremely important that a child has it positively formed by a certain age. This will allow him in the future to gain independence, responsibility for his life and a clear understanding of his life plan. If we proceed from the psychological diagnosis of “self-identification”, then we will all answer the question differently: “Who am I?” There is no ideal childhood, parents, upbringing and the same life experiences. And the identification is not always formed positively. The answers can vary from: “I’m just Masha” to “I’m stardust in the universe.” But basically it will be from the category: “I’m a person, I’m a man/woman, I’m a worker/student, I’m Petya/ Masha, I am a mother/father, I am a wife, husband, etc. “All these are social roles that society gives us from birth. When a person is born, he needs a certain coordinate system, for him this world is alien. And it is society and the process of socialization that gives he has the opportunity to adapt and develop. To become “one of our own” - to identify with this human world. But this all has a downside. We get so used to these social roles, getting used to them and trying on new ones, that we often lose our real selves. so many people are ready to ask the question: who am I? and find out the real answer. This answer can lead many to bewilderment, and some may be horrified, destroying the usual stereotypes in which he believed for years. Such questions destroy the familiar world and make one doubt. Get out of your comfort zone. But if you strive for awareness and get to know yourself, you will ask this question one day anyway. How else can you find out about your present self? And in this present, you will not be in any social role. It will be you, not bad and not good, but you. You, with whom you live, with whom you fight and are friends. What needs to be done? Choose. Face a choice and really choose and accept responsibility for your choice. In words it seems that it is extremely easy to choose, but in fact, this is not so. We often shift decisions and the responsibility of choice to the people who are close to us, to life itself, to any other variables, but not to ourselves. But until we are faced with a choice, we will not be able to fully understand who we really are. At the moment of choice, everything intensifies, emotions, thoughts, ideas, even on the physical level there can be changes, depending on how important and critical the choice is on which our life depends. And at this moment you you will be able to see the real you. It is important not to go to extremes. Self-knowledge is not for criticism, it is for self-development and improvement. Don’t be afraid to look inside and see the shadow sides of your real self. If you have a strong desire to become better, you will definitely you can compensate for the shadow and activate the light. Good luck to everyone and self-knowledge!