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Graduation in kindergarten - first time in first grade. These moments are exciting and alarming not only for parents, but also for children. I would say the level of anxiety in children is higher than in parents. You and I know what school is, the first teacher, classmates, grades, school friendship. But future first-graders know this only in words, and each adult talks about school (conveying his attitude towards it) in his own way. How to tell a child about school in a language understandable to him? How to introduce him to the rules of behavior at school? How to explain to a child what it means to learn, to gain knowledge? Your child can answer these questions in a game. Play school with him. Make a board (stick a large piece of paper on the wall), desks (child sits at his desk), seat additional students (e.g. dad, stuffed animals) and start the game. Explain, as a teacher, one short topic (teach a lesson) lasting minutes for 20-30 - for example, “Rules of conduct in class” or “What should I put in my briefcase?” etc. And at the end of the topic, ask your child questions about the material covered. You can introduce incentive stickers into the game - start a school magazine, where there will be a place for these stickers opposite the covered topic. It is important to note that reward stickers should not be taken away from a child for punishment or for answering a question incorrectly. Their function in the game is to increase motivation for learning and reduce the level of fear and anxiety before grades. Later, change roles with the child: he is the teacher, you are the student. Let the child choose the topic of the lesson, he is a teacher after all :) While playing school, the child will understand and see from the example of the game what awaits him at school, what form of presentation of educational material will appear, specifics and certainty will appear in the future. In this regard: anxiety and excitement will decrease, interest in learning will strengthen, new or strengthen old skills in writing, reading, and counting will be mastered, the level of self-esteem will be higher, and you will be even more confident in your mental abilities.