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Productivity is directly related to success and recognition. How can you be productive in all your endeavors? The first thing I want to say is that it is impossible to be equally effective in absolutely everything you do. Something will certainly prevail. So we immediately discard the idea of ​​“always being effective” - it has nothing to do with reality. Have you ever thought about what affects productivity? Why do we cope with one task quickly and efficiently (even if it was difficult), but we cannot complete a simpler one? Energy is the answer to the question. This is what makes us productive, effective, persistent, courageous. In a word, it gives us all the tools to achieve success. Where does the energy come from? Out of need. Desire, for example, has no energy if it is not supported by need. The desire to “buy a car” will not have the same energy as the need to achieve financial success. “I changed my job three times because I felt: not for me. I thought it was all about laziness, but when I found something that was really interesting to me, I felt real pleasure from the work!” - says Alena. How do you understand that a need is yours? This is the difficulty: your needs are mostly “spy.” I'm not trying to imply that you don't have an opinion and are simply adopting other people's ways of doing things. Not at all. What I'm saying is that most needs are based on what we see every day, including on social media. In general, they are one of the main sources of “fake” needs. “I noticed myself trying to keep up with all the trends: yoga, veganism, fashion... It hurts to realize that this is not my thing. But I don’t know what is “mine,” shares Veronica. Surely at least once you looked at a photo of some celebrity vacationing in the Maldives and thought: “I wish it were like that for me.” Have you ever thought about what exactly you want? Find yourself in the Maldives? Most likely no. This is a desire that can be useful in the process of realizing a true need. But it is not a need. Therefore, an important condition for productivity in business is awareness of your needs. If you are not aware of them, but are guided by others (imposed by society, “advised” by parents, etc.), you simply will not have the energy to implement your plans. You will struggle with a lot of fears, doubts, laziness, envy and uncertainty. When you do what suits your needs, the energy will be unlimited. At the end of the working day, you will feel physical fatigue, but an incredible inner uplift. In a personal consultation, I will help you find out your true needs and begin to realize them productively! Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, coach, Ilya Akhmedov.