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Parents often come to me with the following problem: a child of 14-19 years old, has neglected his studies, has stopped being interested in anything other than the computer, has stopped communicating with friends, spends all his time in on the Internet, sits all day in front of the computer, doesn’t want to do anything around the house, has become aggressive, irritable, to all our attempts to talk about what is happening, he answers - “Leave me alone!” “What should we do?” - parents ask me, “How to influence a child, how to restore his interest in studying, because he needs to get a certificate and go to college? We tried to talk, explain, punish - all in vain!” Unfortunately, it is very difficult to change this situation. Internet addiction is a real addiction, as real and serious as alcohol, gaming and other addictions. And as always, in cases with addiction, it is much easier to prevent it than to fight it when it has already formed and become stronger. Addiction does not develop overnight, it does not suddenly arise at the age of 14. It began many years ago when the child did not receive the attention he needed, when he did not feel needed or accepted; when his independence was suppressed by authority; when they decided for him what he needed, and what was good and what was bad for him, and at the same time they remained deaf to his feelings and needs; when he realized that adults are not interested in his experiences and he should not share his problems with them, because he still will not find support, acceptance, or understanding in them. It was then that a “dependent personality” began to form, i.e. a person prone to addiction. The Internet, computer games, slot machines, risky behavior or alcohol are just means that a person uses to fill his inner emptiness. If you want to help your children avoid many serious troubles and dangers, help them avoid this spiritual emptiness. How can this emptiness be filled? First of all, love and acceptance. It is important for children to know that adults hear them, take them seriously, share their feelings, love them and will continue to love and support them, no matter what happens. In families where there are warm and trusting relationships between parents and children, cases of any addictions, violence or suicide among adolescents are much less common - this, by the way, is data from serious scientific research. Secondly, it is important for children to see a healthy role model in the person of their parents. If parents lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, have an active social life, have hobbies, hobbies, and varied interests - children in such families also grow up to be active and versatile individuals and have less chance of becoming victims of Internet or any other addiction. Third, if a child grows up insecure, if he has difficulties communicating with peers, or has difficulty adapting to school or kindergarten, this is a reason to sound the alarm. Parents simply must pay attention to this and take action, perhaps even contact a psychologist, to help their child overcome fears, raise self-esteem and regain confidence. People with a large social circle and good self-esteem are less likely to suffer from addictions. Be an example for your children. Live in such a way that, looking at you, children want to live a full and active life. Teach them to enjoy life - this is the best thing you can give them. And this is the best remedy for “Internet” or any other addiction.