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... I really love Richard Bach’s books. Bach is smart and bright. I also read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Randy Gage. This is not all, but for this article on the above topic about “magnets” it is enough. In the annotation to the book by R. Gage “Why are you stupid, sick and poor... And how to become smart, healthy and rich!” says: “...In this impressive and mind-expanding book, Randy Gage reveals the secrets of attracting health, happiness and prosperity...” Again, that downright magical word “attraction”! What lies behind it? What is hidden behind this mysterious word “attraction” in reality? But nothing but the same old idea of ​​a “man-magnet”! Alas, America and the West are simply saturated with advertising cliches. This has already pretty much affected Russia! When I read the books of the above-mentioned authors and similar ones, it came an understanding of how stupid I am, having bought into all these foreign things-names, how “sick” I am, because I allowed myself the hope that I would find something useful in these books, and how poor I am just because of the fact that I am rich once counted only money, and not useful life experience.... The idea of ​​personal “magnetism” lives in people’s minds for one simple reason - there are always many people around who know how to attract and captivate. They are so successful, so full of optimism, energetic, enterprising and active that many begin to dribble with envy as if they had greedily bitten a lemon. Among these attractive, lucky ones, for example, is the same bald and sleek Gage with a smug grin. .. Ooh, radish! He himself rode forward on his millions, and left me here... And here I am still sitting at the same “broken trough of unfulfilled desires” and still counting my pitiful pennies, reading books with beautiful titles and covers and still thinking , I think, I think... I think about intelligence, about health, about wealth. Only I’m not smarter, and I’m sick, and there’s no money. Alas! (((...So, to finish the topic with the idea of ​​a “magnet man,” let’s discuss what is true here and what it is. I already wrote earlier that there is indeed a lot of truth in this idea. But this is not the whole truth. There is another part of it, called “action for the sake of a set goal,” which you think about because you want something. It would seem that everything is clear, BUT! There are two points left beyond the threshold of this view of the idea of ​​magnetism: a) Moment. first - is there magnetism after all or not? b) And second - if there is magnetism, there must also be a magnetic field? First - about the first We all understand that by using (using) the word “magnet”, we resort to the fact that. called “allegory” (allegory is one of the tropes; the main types of tropes are metaphor, metonymy, epithet, synecdoche, hyperbole, litotes, comparison, periphrasis, allegory, personification, irony, pathos, sarcasm). So: “magnet” - this is an allegory, i.e. a very successfully found figurative comparison used to denote an attracting object and an attracted object. In the case we are considering now, the above-mentioned “pen specialists” successfully proposed to the general public the idea of ​​a “magnet man” (an attracting object ), who, through the effort of thought, attracts to himself desirable (and undesirable!) situations, his dreams and other things that do not give a person peace, including fears in their most varied variety (objects supposedly attracted). Is everything right here? The attentive reader, perhaps not immediately, but sooner or later, will definitely see that everything here is exactly the opposite. Let me explain. Everyone, including children, knows the expression “I am attracted by my dream.” The question in the problem book: what is a magnet here (an attracting object), and what is here that it attracts (an object of attraction)? Obviously, the “magnet” here is dream! And who is attracted to this dream? - Of course, a person who dreams of something. Another example. Let's imagine a person who has just started riding (let's just say - he's still learning!) on a bicycle (rollerblades, skateboard, skis, skates, etc.). Why does he, seemingly against his will, crash into a tree? This tree is in his way(or - a stone, or - a hole, or - a passerby walking down the street) - they are clearly magnetized and pull him towards them so that nothing can be done! What is the attracting object and the attracted object here? It is clear that a person learning to ride a bicycle is “attracted” , and what he is “attracted” to is a “magnet”. Why does each of us find himself in the situation that he most fears or does not want? Does he really attract them? Maybe it’s exactly the opposite and it’s situations that attract us? Exactly! And there’s nothing unusual, supernatural or mystical in this. Because each of us is hypnotized and attracted by those things, the images that are in our minds. It is not a person who attracts situations, things, dreams and people, but an image rooted in the subconscious of what matters to him. This image “leads” the inexperienced to where he will be familiar and expected “good” or “habitual” and programmed poorly. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis - so much has been said and described about this by the luminary of our psychology and psychotherapy, Vladimir Levi, that to understand their essence, you don’t need to read other books at all. Of course, I'm exaggerating, nevertheless...Everything is always in plain sight. Only observations and accents are important! So, a person is not a magnet; “magnet” is what is relevant and significant for him. Relevance and significance, unfortunately, live not in the consciousness, but in the subconscious. Those. they are invisible! But they can, it is important, it should be and it is useful to manage!!! In order to get different results, to live a different life, you need to send consciously created emissaries under your control into the subconscious - i.e. images of those things and situations that are desirable for you. Why does this work? The essence of the idea of ​​magnetism is very simple. It is based on very simple things. Here they are: a) there is nothing that, once in consciousness, would not necessarily go into the subconscious; b) there is nothing in the subconscious that in one form or another would not interact with the unconscious; c) everything that is present in the unconscious in the form of excitement, sooner or later, independently or together with the energy of other stimuli, will affect behavior, strengthening or weakening it; d) everything that manifests itself in your behavior is amenable to awareness and comprehension, i.e. again, but in a different form, appears in your consciousness. Considering that our consciousness and subconscious are filled with various kinds of information, it is assumed that any image will work for itself. And this is the correct assumption! Any image modeled in consciousness and “fallen” into the subconscious is potentially capable and ready to work for itself through embodiment in a real and obvious life for each of us, external to consciousness. Only one thing is important - to be able to create these images in a conscious-volitional way. A clear example of this is “alleged circumstances.” And . S. Pushkin wrote: “The truth of passions, the plausibility of feelings in the expected circumstances - this is what our mind requires from a dramatic writer.” This aphorism of Pushkin was founded by K.S. Stanislavsky as the basis of his system. At the same time, he changed the word “alleged” to “proposed”. Those. For dramatic art, for the art of an actor, circumstances are not assumed, but suggested. What does an actor do when working on a role? - It not only and not so much shows the character of the hero, but reveals it to the viewer in some action. The actor's character on stage acts by participating in the situation. The more talented the actor, the more exciting his performance, the more natural the life he lives on stage. The actor’s talent lies in the fact that, transforming into his hero, he lives in the circumstances offered to him (in practice, still assumed by him) that for him, as he immerses himself in them, they become almost real for him. And now they, hypnotizing, fascinate him and lead him through the plot. It is not he who attracts them into his life (his real life is behind the scenes), but they involved him in the energy of what is happening, forcing him to remember only what is happening on stage and live it, forgetting about life behind the scenes. Alleged(suggested) circumstances are just one of many other elements that help an actor to be involved in the action on stage. Another one is imagination. The actor must imagine the proposed circumstances, assuming that they are real! The richer the actor’s imagination, the stronger the magnetism of the imaginary circumstances. Understanding this, we can easily explain why the victims of our harsh reality are usually people either with a rich imagination or people without imagination. Second - these are, as a rule, victims who are accustomed to their failures and do not try to get out of them, the first ones are, as a rule, victims who skillfully and habitually invent situations for themselves in which they do not see themselves other than as victims. I hope that the essence of what was said is clear. The conclusion here is this: if a person is passive, then he will live with what he has. If he wants to change something in his life, then he creates in his imagination such a “magnet”, the attraction of which he simply cannot and will not want to resist. Returning to what I said earlier, I will focus on two magnets that or later, anyone will be led to success: a) magnet No. 1 is an image of a desired situation, b) magnet No. 2 is an image of those means and actions that will ensure the achievement of magnet No. 1, inevitably facilitating and accelerating your path to it. Your task is one - to be a person who generates these “magnets”. A successful person is a person who is a generator of ideas and a person who is a generator of actions at the same time. Ideas and actions are magnets that attract the stronger the more a person thinks about his goals, the more active and intense he is for the sake of they work. Let us also remember that there is a difference between knowing how to act and the action itself, the ability to do something. This is about the same difference as between the theory of light and light itself. A person blind from birth can become a professor and discoverer of important things in the theory of light, but only after a successful eye operation can he one day exclaim: “Only now do I really know what light is!” To make the above more understandable and visual, I ask you imagine the following picture. Imagine two hunters. Both of them are in the forest. But one sits in ambush, and the second wanders through the forest in search of prey. He either simply walks through the forest, or goes to a place known to him, where animals go to water or where they have a rookery. Who has a better chance of success? Of course, the second, but only if he is actively looking for his prey. The one sitting in ambush will be able to shoot the prey if it jumps out at him. And only under this simple, but mandatory condition, if he raises his gun, takes good aim and shoots at an animal or bird with a charge commensurate with the prey. Otherwise, he will either return home with nothing or die in his ambush of hunger. Everything is completely different at the second one. Having the skill of a hunter, he, firstly, takes a faithful and intelligent hunting dog with him on the hunt and, with its help, finds tracks and tracks his prey, and secondly, he always secretly approaches it from the leeward side to the distance required for an accurate shot , loads the gun with either shot or large buckshot, takes aim and presses the trigger. If the gunpowder was dry and the shot was well-aimed, he will very soon light a fire and on it cook for himself and his faithful dog a delicious roast of hazel grouse, hare or wild boar. Looking at hunters, watching them, we cannot help but understand why “water does not flow under a lying stone!” :))) Life is no different from hunting. And the images that I created using the example of two hunters are images of what we choose in our lives. The choice is always simple - either a dream and marking time, or a dream, the desire to realize it and the goal for which we will do everything do what is necessary tirelessly, obsessively, with passion and imagination. We do not attract what we want, but it carries us away and, attracting us to itself, pulls us closer and closer. Of course, if a person moves his brains and does at least something for the sake of his plans. Many at sea swam to buoys indicating waterthe boundary of safe swimming. Such a buoy can be considered an example of a magnet. When a vacationer decides to swim to the buoy in order to touch it, to look at the shore from it, or to try to reach the bottom under this buoy, he thereby sets a goal for himself. The buoy instantly turns into a magnet and begins to attract the swimmer towards itself. The closer the buoy is, the less strength there is to swim towards it, the more paradoxically it pulls towards itself. Now he’s already very close. And the swimmer physically feels how he attracts him to himself, remaining in place. So, there is magnetism! It has a psychological nature! As we see, a magnet is not a person, but an image that he creates in his mind. This image can be a real object or an invented picture, sound, sensation. Both work. Both work equally strongly if they matter to a person. Or it doesn’t work if a person is not interested. The most powerful images are images of physiological desires. The need for food and sex guides a person throughout his entire life. The priority, of course, belongs to food. Nevertheless. But imagine yourself full or sexually completely satisfied at some specific moment. Not only the image of food or your sexual counterpart will leave you indifferent, but they themselves, even if they are here in front of you - they, so close and tasty, will be pushed into the background or third place by images of other concerns, desires and goals. This is - about moment No. 1. Now two words about moment No. 2, namely: if there is magnetism, there must also be a magnetic field? Many people know that, in addition to the topic of “man-magnet”, such a topic as quantum psychology and discussions about energy information field, and also about the so-called “butterfly effect.” My friend Ivis de Lussis once said: “Everything is energy. Whoever doesn’t understand this doesn’t understand anything!” I have neither the grounds nor the desire to argue with him, and here’s why. It’s hard to assume that there is no energy-information field. If it exists, then the “butterfly effect” should work. That is, by generating a certain “image”, a person has the right to count on its materialization. From this point of view, thought is material. In this situation, let's answer just one single question: the energy of which mental image will be stronger - the one created at the level of imagination, or the one that, being created at the level of imagination, is also strengthened by the energy of actions? The question is rhetorical. Therefore, when a person imagines something and when, imagining, he does something for the sake of what he represents, these are acts of different energy saturation and density with completely different consequences. In the first case, the energy of the mental image will “pull up” (“magnetize” ) you to the desired image in about 700-900 years, but in the second - tomorrow you can find yourself very close to the desired ideal-phenomenal image, so that in the next moment you will become the owner of a real-material result in which your goal will be realized. Why? Because a “magnetic field” will begin to work for you, which is the energy of your actions, making you one and attracting your desired goal. Feeling the energy of this “magnetic” field, you will inevitably encounter the energy fields of numerous factors interfering with your actions, which are also capable of attracting to themselves. By attracting your attention, they will weaken the actions of “Magnet No. 1” (for example, they will cloud your goal, burdening you, for example, with doubts, hesitations, indecision) and “Magnet No. 2” (for example, diverting the energy of your actions to perform secondary or unnecessary affairs).However, everything can be solved. If you understand what has been said above here and before, success for a person who is purposeful, flexible and persistent is inevitable! Because a person is what he does!... Randy Gage, Rhonda Byrne, Marcy Shimoff, Napoleon Hill, Richard Bach and other respected people - they are good guys. But it is important to learn not about dreams and attracting situations, but about action and achieving goals. The so-called "magnets" (remember that