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Today, global panic has begun due to the “attack” of a new virus on the human community. However, as you know, there are no accidents - everything has a reason, let's look at this problem from the point of view of our wonderful life guide - the Table of Elections (the "Cholodynamics" method, author V. Wulf). Since this infection creates a physical disease, then we will consider it from the line that begins with the word “Disease”. This line is located at the Choice “Down” - Choice on the Physical level - “Die”, in the middle of this choice, i.e. here is central. We remember from the article “Light and Shadow of Personality” that the choice “Down” is the choice of the shadow, i.e. that type of survival - ignorance, where there is no light at all or the light is far away, which means this is the level of lack of knowledge and the use of this lack as a way of life for those who do not know how to live differently. And perhaps he doesn’t want to, considering this lifestyle convenient for himself. This is life at the expense of others - parasitism, where they give less, but receive more from other people and the natural world around them, without caring about anyone. This is a life based on fear and violence. And if we look at the next level - “Personal”, then we see that at this level “Anger” is manifested, which means anger, hatred, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, internal agitation, almost a readiness to create panic and war - the process of destroying everything and everyone. Moving to the Interpersonal level, along the same line, we see that here the person is not ready for adequate, mutually regulated relationships. A person is ready to single-handedly build everyone and everything: “Be the way I want!” At the Social level, a person begins to come up with rules that are convenient for her and to crush everyone under her desires (and her desires here are destructive to others, see level 2). And we look further at what “Principles” are used - there are no Principles here - only Rules are used that are beneficial to the leaders of organized groups. These are not teams, but temporary groups to perform tasks assigned by the leader. The concept of a collective presupposes unity, but here, with this choice of “Down,” the opposite version of interaction applies - “Divide and conquer!” This “Hypocrisy” is a benefit only for yourself, although this benefit is ephemeral; by destroying others, you destroy yourself, at a minimum - you make it worse for yourself, first of all: like “I’ll freeze my ears off to spite my mother!” However, momentary gain - money, material wealth clouds the brain, especially since at this level alcohol and drugs are used to further cloud the mind of the opponent. In such a group, a person thinks that he is protected by the boss, by some rules, but here only self-defense is possible, because No one here protects anyone, but only uses them. There are 2 roles here - the rapist and the victim, and they do not live without each other: no rapist - no victim, and no victim - no rapist. Although, by and large, the Rapist and the Victim are both Victims with this “Down” choice, because the rapist and the victim are afraid of each other: the victim is afraid of the power of the rapist, and the rapist is afraid of his victim, so that she does not accumulate power and take away the power of violence from him. Well, then, looking at the Table of Elections and the name “Coronavirus”, on the “Universal Level” - on line 3 - we see that the concepts of “Self-aggrandizement” in the Table and “Coronavirus” in the topic of this article surprisingly reveal each other . Showing that Self-aggrandizement is the Corona (of the Virus), i.e. The personality crowns himself - “I am my own King and God, I do what I want!” And “Coronavirus” is a manifestation in society of Ambition - arrogance, unreasonable claims, and therefore Pride. This is the psychological subtext of this global pandemic - There are too many ambitious people. I invited readers to a discussion on this issue back on December 16, 2015 in the article “I invite you to a discussion: Is ambition the last refuge of losers or something else?!” (today itsread by 3065 people - this month - 63 people). The title of my article is based on a statement by Oscar Wilde, and he claimed this. This is understandable, because ambitions form envy, greed, boasting, stupidity - they dull the brain - they reveal the worst qualities of a person, making him a loser. A person becomes a consumer, he does not want to give something to someone - he develops a strong grasping reflex: take, take, take, grab, pull out by force or by deception, it doesn’t matter. An ambitious person thinks about others only from the perspective of the possibility of enrichment at their expense. There are plenty of examples of the ideology of ambition in life now. Girls want to marry rich, materially and financially secure men, with the motto “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend!”; spiritually immature men become gigolos. A business based on ambition is, in essence, criminal - it oversteps the Principles - the Highest foundations of human life. Such a business brings only destruction and degradation to everyone and everything. Ambitions always force a person to use others without becoming equal partners. Coronavirus - This is a virus of ambition - “I am the best, or I am the worst!” - this is Pride. Ambitions are always extreme positions. Between ambitions - between these extremes lies Human Dignity, but this is already a Choice “Up” on the Table of Elections. And if this Choice “Up” is made, then ambitions disappear, and with them, from Heat and Light, and coronaviruses, like the dirt of ignorance - a disease of immature minds and dirty hands, in the literal and figurative sense. Above there is Real Knowledge, Joy, Happiness, Harmony, based on purity of thoughts, words, actions - on Human Maturity! Above, the help of Heaven immediately appears, which gives at the Universal level the “Power” of accomplishments, At the level of Principles, the possibility of “Embodying the Highest Principles” - care - justice - kindness. At the Social level, “Open trust” in oneself and others appears, which is necessary for creation and co-creation. At the Level of Interpersonal Relations, the state “We are fine” occurs - we feel good together, we have no ambitions, no tearing competition apart, no hatred for each other, relationships are based on Unconditional Love, which means mutual respect and understanding! At the Personal level, “Awareness of place in the world” - in every event, a person clearly understands why he is here, what his creative role is, and he has a good sense of his abilities - possibilities. And naturally, at the Physical level he feels complete “Health”, that is, he feels absolutely healthy in all respects and is ready for Creativity, Joy and Happiness, for complete Harmony at all levels. But to us, as we see now, and not only to us, this concept of Ambition was and is being intensively implanted - as the engine of a successful human life. This is especially done at various forums, conferences, trainings, consultations on money and business, on personal gain and profit - where the ambitious - Coronavirus thought is promoted: “I have (I allowed myself) the sole right to buy cheaper and sell more expensive - This is the same business and nothing personal!”, although in such a business the personal always dominates, and the rest is not noticed - the Golden Taurus - Money at any cost - becomes the main thing. If you look at who benefits from this, then immediately from the Table of Elections we will understand - people, to put it mildly, are not entirely healthy, immature (mentally and psychologically), and not interested in the content of words and their concepts. And perhaps they deliberately keep silent about the meaning of these words, hiding their dark desires and far-reaching, equally dark, goals. There can be nothing bright here, because... this is the choice “Down”, where the shadow lives - pitch darkness. Although we see this now - the “Corona virus” appears due to unfounded claims - there is no right, but you want everything, “even pills for greed” - and more, to show off (and not for life - you don’t need so much for life) , and that's all…