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10 golden rules for a happy married life or how to maintain a tender and loving relationship with your husband for many, many years Remember what A.S. said. Pushkin: “The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us...” These words also apply to men. There is no need to “hold on” and “grab” your man. I've never done this. An agreement was concluded between us from the very beginning: I fell in love with another - I let him go, he is a free man, he can leave. There will be no hysterics or scandals. Try to be a little mysterious and interesting for your husband. You should not completely immerse yourself in the household routine and pretend to be an exemplary wife and housewife. Make it interesting for your husband to spend his free time and relax with you. Find a common passion or hobby with your husband. When people do the same thing, it unites and unites them. If you are a naturally strong woman, allow yourself and your husband to be weak. Let him take care of you and make important family decisions. Praise and thank your husband more often. For all. Even for some little things that he does for you and for your family. And for gifts. Then he will want to please you even more. If you have some kind of problem or complaint against your husband, don’t be silent, solve it together, sit down and discuss it together, even if it concerns intimate things. Don’t “nag” your husband for what he Throws dirty socks around the house, doesn't close cabinet doors or doesn't screw the lid on toothpaste. Instead of swearing and spraying, turn the situation into a joke. It’s easier to fix these “shoals” yourself than to spoil each other’s mood. Moreover, throwing things around and not tightening the lids is common to almost all men. Dear women! Be lenient and allow the stronger sex this little weakness. Take care of your appearance, emotional and physical health. After all, who wants to tolerate a nervous and disheveled wife in an old robe? Be gentle, caring and careful. Take care of yourself, your body and appearance. Men are pleased when a WOMAN is nearby. Learn to forgive. Even if you were deceived, there was treason or some situation where the man did not behave with dignity. Don't cut from the shoulder. Assess the situation. If this is an accident and you understand it, forgive and let go of your pain. Spit out your emotions, don’t keep them to yourself. Then have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband. Anything can happen. And the reasons are different. If you love each other, draw conclusions, close this page and continue building your relationship further, at a new level. Maintain an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding in the family so that your man feels comfortable while at home. Then after work he will fly home on the “wings of love” to be with you. Knowing that he will be met by an affectionate, gentle and understanding wife. To set yourself up for love and gratitude, listen to a meditative mood