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How to prepare a child for school? If summer is already outside and many parents have bought school supplies, and future first-graders are looking forward to the first of September, I think that now it is more important for parents not to decide whether the child will go to school or not, but to clarify for themselves what exactly can be done right now and in the coming months, in order to form in the child a positive attitude towards learning at school and, accordingly, preserve the child’s psychological and physical health. A child’s entry into first grade is a transitional period between preschool and school age. Let's first define what preschool age is? And preschool age is the age of initial “formation of personality.” At the moment, teachers and psychologists are increasingly turning to the subjective nature of personality. To these subjective characteristics of a person, it is necessary to add his characteristics as a person as a subject. It includes direction, motives; attitude to the environment, to activity, to oneself; self-regulation, expressed in such qualities as composure, organization, patience, self-discipline; creativity, intellectual personality traits; emotionality. These qualities begin to form in preschool age and develop further. Therefore, readiness for school is divided into 3 types: 1. Personal readiness, which consists of skills and the ability to get in touch with classmates and teachers, qualities that provide him with painless adaptation to a new environment (for example, to act together with others, when one needs to give in or, on the contrary, not to give in); 2. Volitional readiness, as the ability to independently manage one’s behavior; 3. Intellectual readiness. A common mistake of parents is that they focus on the child’s intellectual readiness for school, losing sight of personal and volitional readiness. Thus, it should be emphasized that the prerequisites for successful educational activities are: a positive attitude towards school, the desire to go to school .ability to accept a learning task. ability to communicate with peers and adults. ability to act according to verbal and visual instructions. ability to voluntarily regulate behavior and activity. ability to voluntary attention, memory. formation of sensory standards / perception of size, shape, color /. formation of mental operations: comparisons, classifications. special work on the development of the sign-symbolic function of thinking. a good level of knowledge about the world around us. speech development / vocabulary, pronunciation, ability to express one’s thoughts, phonemic hearing /. development of finely coordinated hand movements, visual-motor coordination. Frequent mistakes of parents of first-graders: they scare the child that school is not a kindergarten, everything is strict here and run and play, they inspire the child: you are the most successful, the smartest, and he suddenly begins to not live up to the parents’ expectations, does not follow the program .They are forced to learn lessons, often in a commanding tone. If in the first months of school a child falls asleep in class or climbs under the desk and starts playing there, then parents more often begin to scold and punish for such behavior. They instill in the child that if he gets bad marks from him nothing will work out because... he does not learn his lessons, which is why the child often “gives up and the parental prophecy comes true.” How to avoid these mistakes? There is no need to artificially raise the bar so as not to aggravate the condition of the child, who is already stressed by having to sit at a desk and live in a new way for him, the regime also does not need to force the child to study hard, he must play with his favorite toys, and when he goes to bed, hear a fairy tale from his father or mother. For a first-grader, it is very important to follow the previous preschool rituals: eat on time, dress your doll, hold your mother’s hand on the way to school (this will relieve accumulated tension). Remember that the leader, i.e. the most important activity in preschool