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We all have internal contradictions, but not all of us suffer from neuroses. What kind of internal conflict must there be for neurosis to begin to develop? Let's figure it out.1. Unconscious If everything were so simple - I’m worried for some reason or other, and that’s why I have such symptoms, there was no neurosis. There would be a conscious experience. The problem with the internal contradiction of a neurotic is that he does not even realize that this contradiction exists. And the symptom helps him with this. All a person does is start thinking about the symptom, completely crowding out problems in life.2. Subjectively insoluble contradiction This is an important criterion for understanding what is neurosis and what is not. Subjectively emphasizes that this particular person cannot resolve the contradiction. That is, we immediately dismiss the anxiety associated with traumatic experiences, where most people react with stress - violence, disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, etc. Subjectively insoluble contradictions associated with everyday life. With what surrounds us every day. Family, relationships, friendships, work, etc.3. Presence of a super-significant need Super-significant needs are formed during the period of personality formation, i.e. - during the childhood period. Neurosis occurs when a person finds himself in a situation where there is a threat to particularly significant needs. Not every woman will worry about a divorce, not every man will be killed because of the impossibility of fulfillment at work, not everyone will worry about - because he will be slandered. What needs could these be? The need for support and support, significance, attention, respect, etc.4. Symptom A symptom is obligatory in neurosis. A symptom is something that balances a person and performs a function. The main function is to shift attention and not think about the problem. And also the secondary one - to solve the problem: get attention, relax, not take responsibility, etc. In order to make it more clear what the internal contradiction consists of, I suggest you analyze the formula: “I want (to achieve, receive), but I can’t . I can’t get it, but I can’t refuse it.” “I want, but I can’t” is a fairly common occurrence. For example, many people want to earn millions, but cannot. This doesn’t cause tension for everyone. But here’s the second part of the conflict: I can’t refuse – it creates that same tension. Normally, when people adequately assess reality, they understand that not all desires can be fulfilled. But since the need is of particular significance, it is impossible to refuse it. The struggle with reality begins. The need for internal neurotic conflict is unconscious. Because of this, difficulties arise with its adequate implementation. Why is it impossible to recognize this need? Because the very need to perceive a person may indicate that he is somehow abnormal. There's something wrong with him. Wanting is bad. In order to maintain self-esteem, the need is repressed. The second point is an obstacle to the realization of the need. An obstacle is how a person disagrees with something. For example, he does not agree that he wants something. May disagree that he is not getting what he wants. Or maybe both. For example, during a hysterical conflict, a girl may want to get help with a small child, but since this need may indicate that she is weak, since she cannot cope on her own, it is easier for her not to see it and not voice. Well, let’s go over the contradictions again. Hysterical conflict: I want, but they don’t give it (external social frustration, the environment does not fulfill the need). If we continue the example with the girl and the child. Due to her neurotic traits, she will never show that she might be dissatisfied with something. She will cope with everything perfectly and from the outside it may seem that she is a super-woman and does not need any help. Which, in fact, prevents the fulfillment of the need for support and help. Resentment towards loved ones is restrained, including because.