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What does the feeling of guilt lead to and how to overcome it. What does the feeling of guilt lead to? In modern society, principles of ethics and morality, various rules of behavior have been developed. In the process of becoming a part of society, a person internalizes them. When he commits an act that contradicts his internal laws of behavior, he may begin to experience fear, shame and guilt. In psychology, guilt is a complex emotion. Constantly feeling guilty, a person becomes a prisoner of his past, unable to act positively in the present. Ultimately, this leads to neurotic disorders. The feeling of guilt belittles a person, causes a depressed state, generates self-condemnation, and “drives one into a corner.” This feeling is caused by the expectation of punishment, reproach, condemnation from oneself and the people around you. It takes away strength and energy, leading to a feeling of powerlessness, helplessness, hopelessness and despair. A person, being under the yoke of this destructive feeling, loses a sense of freedom, experiences various fears, anxiety, and anxiety. In such a state, it is difficult to make constructive decisions and take effective actions. Under the yoke of guilt, a person is deprived of freedom, energy, strength, he easily succumbs to the control of others, loses his will, loses his authorial position in life. Self-esteem falls in this state, feelings of oppression and emotional depression arise. The thoughts of a person experiencing guilt are usually destructive, aimed at condemning and punishing himself. This condition prevents a person from living harmoniously, conducting successful activities in any area of ​​life, and does not allow him to feel healthy, cheerful, joyful, satisfied, full of strength and energy. Feelings of guilt negatively affect a person’s condition and his life, block potential and lead to self-destruction. How to get rid of guilt? First, admit that now I feel guilty, accept what led me to this feeling. For example: “Yes, by this moment I have done (did) something. Something that makes me feel guilty now.” Secondly, forgive yourself for what you did. Third, ask yourself the question: “What can I do now to correct or improve the situation that I created through my unconstructive actions in the past?” When the answer comes, begin to act in accordance with new decisions, noticing the positive changes that occur thanks to your efforts, and as often as possible concentrating on all the positive moments that are in your life right now. Also, there are various other ways to get rid of guilt that may be suggested. To get rid of the oppression of guilt, try the following. First of all, analyze the circumstances that made you feel guilty. If your actions caused harm to someone, then try to compensate for it and, if possible, ask for forgiveness. This way, you will have the opportunity to draw the right conclusion and adapt more quickly in similar situations in the future. If your feeling of guilt is not related to a specific action, then focus on the person who causes this feeling in you. Think about what this person might benefit from. Perhaps, through his manipulations, he deliberately put you in such a state, and the feeling of guilt is false. If you realize that the feeling of guilt is not associated either with your actions or with a specific person, then perhaps the matter is in your psychological attitudes. Try writing a free-form letter on the topic “why I feel guilty.” This will help reveal the problem and solve it as quickly as possible. If you know relaxation techniques or know how to meditate, then during the meditation process ask yourself the question: “Why am I blaming myself and torturing myself?” Stop controlling your consciousness, let your thoughts flow freely - and then you will have the opportunity to understand what the true reason for your.