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Oksana Nikonova, ACC ICF coach, co-founder of the INSIGHT Center for Coaching and Training, trainer of international coaching programs: I will give two definitions of coaching: the first - from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), global professional community of coaches in the world, setting the standard in the profession: “Coaching is an ongoing relationship that helps people achieve exceptional results in their lives, careers, business or public affairs” In this definition of coaching, I always pay attention to a few words: Coaching - partnerships. We are on an equal footing with the client; as a coach, I don’t “pull” anything out of the client, I don’t give advice or teach how to live. As a coach, I believe that the client has all the resources to achieve their own goals. Coaching is an ongoing relationship. As a rule, a coach and a client meet once every 7-10 days for an hour-long coaching session; to achieve sustainable changes, at least 10-12 sessions are needed, which is about 4 months of work. Coaching is about exceptional results. There is a simple way to explain how coaching works: imagine that you have a goal that you can achieve in, say, two years, and with a coach, in a few months. Great, right? The second definition of coaching belongs to Timothy Gallwey, one of the founders of the method: “Coaching is the art of creating, through conversation and behavior, an environment that facilitates a person’s movement towards desired goals in a way that brings satisfaction.” And this There are important words in the definition. Coaching is an art. Not a craft, not a technique - do it once, twice, three times, but an art. There is currently debate about whether human coaches will soon be replaced by robots. I am one of those who answer “never.” A person will never stop turning to a person. Yes, robots will be able to maintain a non-judgmental attitude and even recognize human emotions. But how can a robotic coach believe in his client? Take an unconventional approach? In my opinion, this is not possible for a robot. Coaching is about goals that bring pleasure. There's nothing worse than quickly climbing a ladder that's leaning against the wrong wall. Which wall is yours? This is the depth of coaching. In business there is a well-known acronym SMART - this is about goal criteria. Goals must be specific, achievable, etc. But there is no such thing as “pleasure”. And in coaching it exists. What requests do people turn to a coach most often? - Open your own business (find an idea for a business; understand where to start, in what role, how to decide to leave the workforce, combine with hiring, etc.) - Advance your career ladder (stories about the glass ceiling, burnout, relationships with management) - Become more effective (leader, businessman, manager - substitute what is necessary) - Understand where to go (instead of “where?” it can be “why”, “with whom” and much more )— Barriers. This is when I know where, I know why, there is a plan, but for some reason I don’t do it. How does a coaching session go? Before starting work, the coach and client meet for an introductory conversation. Discuss the topic, organizational issues. This is not coaching yet. The client understands whether there is that “chemistry”, “connection” with the specialist, and whether I want to continue working. And if I want, we meet once a week in person or on Skype. According to statistics, about 50% of coaching sessions are conducted online. At the INSIGHT Coaching and Training Center, we conduct the “Coaching Fundamentals” course, as well as face-to-face meetings in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. The geography of online sessions is limitless.