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Today I want to give the top 2 women’s mistakes that inevitably lead to a crisis in relationships. In order to show how a crisis manifests itself in a marriage, I gave as an example a letter from one girl, which very well describes the main problems of the crisis stage, which 99% of women find themselves in. And unfortunately, many resolve issues not in favor of the relationship, because they do not pay attention to these two mistakes: The woman began to manifest herself exclusively in the role of Mother. She became entrenched in her. Because it is in this maternal role that most women are fixed forever! in a couple, and unfortunately, they lose that very spark - emotional closeness, warmth and attention to themselves as a man as a woman. I answer how to solve this question in the video and briefly below. Let's start with a letter: After the birth of a child, my husband and I were drawn into the family jungle. The relationship with him faded into the background. The husband has stopped showing signs of attention, there is no tenderness, sex is becoming less and less frequent. At home he only watches TV or sits on the phone. There is a lack of heart-to-heart communication and attention. He says he's happy with everything. And thoughts come to me about divorce and about having a lover. So, there are 2 main women’s mistakes that, if corrected, can quickly return a man’s attention: 1. The woman stopped appearing as a woman and after the birth of the child she completely immersed herself in motherhood. I stopped taking care of myself, stopped paying attention to my husband. That is. essentially turned into a little grumpy old lady, with a “commanding-demanding-offended-accusatory” tone of communication, which also, unfortunately, does not contribute to strengthening emotional intimacy among partners. It is clear that motherhood takes a lot of effort and time, but it is a resource for relationships with It’s important to leave it with your husband. Even if it seems that neither of you need it. This is not so. Hence the second corollary: 2. Resentments and claims accumulate. Through them, cracks appear in relationships, which are easy for someone else on the side to penetrate... A mistress or a lover. Because Both have thoughts that they are no longer attractive to their partner and are not needed by him... And it also seems that it’s all about him, that the partner has stopped loving... In fact, of course, this is not true. This is a crisis in which relationships have truly undergone a restructuring. At the same time, there is no need to abandon them completely. And, yes, this crisis can really lead to the realization of ideas about someone on the side and the breakup of the couple. This is what happens in many families. Although here the solution lies on the surface. What to do? 1. It is important for a woman to begin to manifest herself as a woman (externally and internally). Be friendly with your spouse, leave a resource for your relationship with him.2. At least sometimes spend time together without children. For example, go on dates with your husband, even once a week or two. It’s good to dress nicely for this, so that a man can see that other men are also paying attention to you. To make him proud of you.3. Talk about your desires to a man and what you don’t like. It’s important to do this in everything: food, film, sex, things, trips, ideas... Just start by expressing your thoughts and your attitude towards everything that happens with you in your life and convey this to the man. This is enough for the man to “hear” you and correctly understand your desires. And he will definitely want to implement them for you. After all, a man is happy when his woman is happy. Ps Watch the video, in it I talk in detail about what other symptoms indicate that you are in a crisis in family relationships and what to do to prevent running along the beaten track to a breakup... And be sure to check yourself, and write in the comments what mistakes you noticed in yourself, what symptoms are already present in the couple. Let's go)___And I have another good news for you! APRIL 04−05, 2021 a 2-day online intensive “STEP TO A MEETING!” starts! This course is RESET of your relationship. Read more about the intensive and sign up for the course here: http://trening.dushavkofte.ru/perezagruzka Be loved and happy!