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From the author: “Giving in to anger is the same as taking revenge on yourself for the guilt of another.” Swift D. In the last article I talked about 10 reasons to give up shouting. You say: “What’s not to understand? It just doesn't work! I promised myself a hundred times not to scream and every time I break down again!" I understand. The ability to control yourself and your feelings comes with practice, over time. The main thing is to believe and act. Today I will talk about ways to behave in moments when the mind is clouded by feelings when emotions overwhelm you. So, how to behave in anger? 1. Become aware of your feelings: Example: you came home after work and saw that the dishes in the sink were not washed, things were scattered. Ask yourself mentally the question: “What am I feeling now? "Wait for an answer from within. “I feel irritated.” This will help you control your feelings. 2. Understand that most of our irritation and anger are due to trifles and little things. Think about it, the dishes are not washed! 3. Find the positive aspects of what you are angry about; For example: You are stuck in a traffic jam. What could be positive about this? You may be indignant: “No problem! I’m late!” And there is always a positive: perhaps, being stuck in a traffic jam, you avoided an accident; you have the opportunity to stop within yourself, think, make a plan, read; you can carry textbooks and books with you and study, you can even meet someone (if you have one); such a task)! 4. As soon as you realize that you are starting to “boil”, start breathing deeply with your diaphragm. A minute or two of deep inhalations and exhalations will return you to a state of balance 5. Make a preliminary plan if you know that you have a serious conversation ahead of you, even choose words and expressions; this will help relieve tension; 6. Listen! Be silent and listen. “He who speaks sows; he who listens gathers.” Do you see the difference? By listening, you enrich yourself with the experience of another and become stronger internally; 7. Give up arguing. There is no absolute truth, every point of view has its place, it all depends on life experience; if you want to fight, you don’t want to make peace, but to cause harm; 8. When they shout at you, be silent. You can count in your head if it is difficult to maintain composure. Silence will help you collect your thoughts and maintain balance, so that you can argue your position later. influences your opponent as your calmness does; go for a run, do physical work or exercise, you will see what bliss you will get! And your loved ones have nothing to do with it! 10. If you understand that you are being provoked into a scandal, step aside or leave. You will maintain your integrity, self-respect and will not succumb to manipulation; 11. Take your opponent's side. Understand that he is not screaming out of happiness, he is feeling bad. Show love and compassion for the person. 12. Be the first to ask for forgiveness. The first to ask for forgiveness is the one who is stronger, who values ​​relationships, who has more love; You want cooperation, right? 13. Work through your traumas (with a psychologist, coach). The sooner you start, the happier your life will be in the future; 14. Ask for help. If you're angry, you need her. Talk through your feelings with a person you completely trust and share your experiences. This will help relieve tension; 15. Do yoga or meditation. Spiritual practices calm the mind and open the heart to love. 16. Smile! Yes, yes, when you want to scream, smile. You will feel the desire to scream melting away. And know that all disputes and conflicts are generated by a false ego that considers itself superior to another. And the truth is in Equality and Unity. I wish you Balance and Joy! Share on vk