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I generally don’t like to write any “everyday” stories, experts say that this is my growth zone)) but in the current situation, I thought it would be useful to share how I support your resilience through taking care of your health. A psychologist is also a person and I am in the same position as everyone else. I’m scared too, but being a psychologist, I understand that fear should serve me to my advantage, encourage me to seek support and protect myself. Devaluing fear is one of the most dangerous pieces of advice from “positive positivity” trainers. I think that now many people who find themselves in the need to work remotely are faced with their inability to take care of themselves, which has always been the case. But when you go to the office and there is a business lunch, somehow it’s not so noticeable. At home you come across him “in full view.” After all, many were taught that I am the last letter in the alphabet. And this makes it much easier for us to take care of anyone, just not ourselves. Once upon a time it was the same for me. I will never forget how my psychologist, at the very beginning of our work, more than 7 years ago, said meaningfully during one of the sessions: ... so that means your refrigerator is empty... I already wrote here that I sought therapy when I myself was in personal crisis. And I thought that in the current situation, my experience of experiencing the crisis could be useful for many. Here I decided to collect the simplest, everyday self-care skills. Many of them are the result of my therapy, and the responsibility I took on myself. I discovered that when you eat porridge for breakfast every day, put on your beauty and put on clean, freshly ironed clothes, no matter how meaningless and ritual it may seem, and no matter how difficult it may be emotionally, depression shrinks pitifully. That's half the battle. The second half is in reducing anxiety and developing a rational, adult, responsible approach. Now it is necessary to fight against decadent moods and anxiety, simply because either you are them, or they are you. Please note. There is not a word here about artificial “self-cheer” and positive positivity. Taking care of your (physical + mental) state = the secret of success. I tried to write a cozy, everyday story. And, if my recommendations seem obvious and banal to you, please do not judge strictly, say “thank you” and scroll through. I am actually very happy for you if what I write next is commonplace and everyday for you. For me, it was once not the case, as for so many people to whom I address this article. For many years now, my antiviral list has included a set of methods that I use every off-season. I would have done it anyway, without any epidemic because I always do this. This is my minimum self-care: 1. Stay home if sick and contact your doctor if you have any symptoms. I am against illness on my legs, relying on “it will go away on its own” and self-medication. I know for sure that from a psychological point of view, going to the clinic in itself is healing for me - the doctor will listen, prescribe something, my soul calms down. But here a lot depends on the mood - if you perceive doctors as enemies, then nothing good will come of it It will work out. I go to a regular public clinic and undergo all the necessary examinations every year. I see all the imperfections of the system, I am aware, but I try to benefit from what is there. There are a lot of doctors who love their job, even in the most ordinary clinics. And if you behave like a human being, simply polite, then going to the clinic can begin to bring pleasure. I am a good patient, I always ask the doctor in detail about the prescribed treatment, ask for advice, and at the same time I work with psychosomatics myself, I always look for the causes of a specific illness in the reference book. I try to follow the recommendations and actively ask to be prescribed something else if what I am prescribed is something I tried and did not help me. Since I do this very politely, doctors are usually willing to support my enthusiasm and prescribe something else. Some may be surprised, but if the doctorask, he will usually answer what the difference is and why he chose to prescribe this drug. I am interested and I listen carefully, because it is in my interests to remember what suits me best and is easier to bear. And I often feel grateful to those who care about me. I also know for sure that a smile makes even the strictest woman at the reception warmer. You can be treated with pleasure if you take responsibility for it. 2. Miracles of pharmaceuticals to help. I’ll say right away that I won’t write specific names, even in a personal message, don’t ask me. If you want to repeat something, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Favorite effervescent vitamins that have proven their effectiveness for me. A doctor once recommended them to me, but they are over-the-counter. I take the course for 10 days, just the package. An antiviral over-the-counter drug that is taken for treatment according to the regimen, and once a week for prevention during the cold season. It stimulates your own immunity. A doctor once prescribed the same thing, it suited me, and I kept it in my arsenal. I take 1 tablet once a week. Essential oils recommended for colds. I have taken root with 3 - it stimulates the immune system, “breaks through” a stuffy nose and helps clear the lungs due to bronchitis. I buy essential oils only in pharmacies, consult with a pharmacist and read the instructions in detail, study contraindications and take only those that seem pleasant - I believe that if there is a bodily response, then it is beneficial. The most common contraindications for essential oils are pregnancy, high blood pressure and skin diseases, and individual intolerance (therefore, I believe that your own response is a priority, the body knows best). I don’t like aromatherapy, the smell of paraffin spoils everything, so I came up with the following : on every radiator in my house there is a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing “striped” jar, made from peas or corn, with a smooth edge (it is there when the lid has a ring), I remove the paper labels. These jars are always filled with filtered water to humidify the air. It works well, I once came up with this to make my cat shed less. I'm afraid to leave the electric humidifier on for a day. In addition, my bandit cat could have knocked over such a device, I didn’t take the risk)) And if necessary, I drip 3-4 drops of oil into such a jar in one (!) of the rooms, having first poured warm water into it, and sit there for a while. that time. You can also meditate at the same time. Or work)) I often write articles while doing this. As long as there is heating, it’s convenient. And when it’s not there, I don’t use essential oils anyway)) You shouldn’t do this in the whole apartment, just as you shouldn’t breathe oils all the time. It's not useful. Only when symptoms appear, if you do it at the very beginning, it helps not to get sick. If you get sick, then of course you need traditional treatment. Tablets for sore throat without sugar are always with me. I believe that a sore throat is already a serious symptom and something needs to be done quickly about it. Alcohol tincture of herbs for gargling for sore throat - a cheap remedy from the pharmacy, always in the refrigerator.3. Porridge for breakfast. How many times have they told the world - but it’s true. Porridges contain a lot of B vitamins and magnesium, which is just right for strengthening the nervous system and increasing stress resistance. When I do this regularly, I notice that I become calmer and more stable. I am a fan of oat and barley cereals, and am not indifferent to wheat. For porridge, I usually have 2-3 cheese sandwiches (I’m looking for ones without preservatives) from a bran loaf. A hearty breakfast - slow carbohydrates - a lot of fiber - any nutritionist would be pleased with me)) 4. I drink a lot of water and green tea. I also eat chocolate, 30-50 grams every day)) and drink 2 cups of natural coffee (only in the morning). I believe in the benefits of antioxidants and plenty of water. This works for me.5. Wash your hands after going outside and in general more often and always hunt for the richest hand cream - constantly))6. I'm trying to get enough sleep. Personally, I can't benefit from waking up early; it doesn't work for me. I'm "in myself" when.