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How to take care of yourself when stress and external circumstances are at their maximum? The first thing that “records” stress as a recorder is our body. Any negative experience literally gets stuck in the body. How does this happen? The psyche gives an impulse to the brain that there is danger, which in turn communicates with the body: hence the maximum tension in the muscles, impaired blood flow, lymph flow and a weakening of the immune system as a whole. Cortisol slows down cognitive functions, as a result of which the ability to make important decisions and find new ways out of conflict and difficult situations is blocked. Below I have selected a number of recommendations for normalizing mental and physical state, which, in my opinion, help cope with anxiety, panic and sadness: If between sleep and something else you can choose sleep, choose sleep. As you know, the hormone melatonin regulates circadian rhythms, normalizes blood pressure, is responsible for the activity of the endocrine system, affects the immune system, slows down the aging process and performs many other important functions. Do at least 1 thing a day that brings pleasure. If neither your family budget nor your work schedule is critically affected by a body massage or meditation, a visit to a psychologist or a gym, then devoting an hour to something that promotes the production of endorphins is simply necessary. The role of these hormones in the body is great - for example, the analgesic effect and factors that contribute to increased stress resistance. What helps you to be aware of yourself in the process of life, to slow down, breathe and reflect will serve as a prevention of depression. It is preferable to choose films, books, programs, meetings for the soul and comfort. Dress in comfortable, soft clothes, wash yourself with something delicious, cover yourself warm, drink more often, walk more. Train your inner smile. Remember the movie “Eat. Pray. Love"? The monk taught this technique to Julia Roberts. This technique is performed as follows: breathe consciously, imagine a pleasant picture of nature, or the smile of a child, or any person you love and dear to you. Smile, feel how the smile spreads to your eyes, forehead, how every internal organ smiles. Walk throughout your body, “including” the energy of a smile. Remember these feelings when your whole body is smiling. Broadcast a smile as a response to external circumstances. Favorite music, candles, fresh air - all this will help you cope and breathe. And my favorite technique is Self-Hugging - literally as support from your inner Parent to your inner Child. Hug yourself, give supportive messages: - I'm with you. - We can handle it. - I see how difficult it is for you. - And this will pass, I hug you.