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How to maintain enthusiasm and be on top? How can students strengthen self-confidence for successful orientation in the world of professions? How can a young specialist maintain faith in himself and maintain the required level of motivation? In this article we will talk about the most important resource that will help cope with competition in the labor market, about ENTHUSIASM. What synonyms can be found for the word “enthusiasm”? Inspiration, encouragement, emotional uplift. Enthusiasm is more characteristic of young people. This is a state when the sea is knee-deep and all difficulties can be overcome. However, it is possible to experience enthusiasm when it is necessary. It is in a subdued state that a specialist actively develops, learns easily and accepts failures as experience. Thus, the position of an adult and wise person is formed! Enthusiasm has a tendency to decline and disappear altogether. How to prevent this? Remember the rule “Fake it until you make it”? It can be used to reinforce a state of enthusiasm in yourself. As soon as your enthusiasm begins to subside, remember how it feels in your body and “put on” these sensations again. Repeat often. Put things in order in your head and in your workplace. When papers, books or files on a computer are readily available and easy to find, space for creativity appears. The same with thoughts in your head: convince the negative that it is wrong and concentrate on the positive, which will give room for your imagination))) Dilute ordinary things with an unexpected way of doing them. If you work on a document at the computer for a long time, use aromatic oils: put a couple of drops on a cotton pad and place it next to the computer. Lemon and orange oils invigorate and promote intellectual activity. Be inquisitive and interested in successful people, especially their failures and how they dealt with them. Write down quotes from these people for yourself. Look for usefulness in everything for yourself and inspiration for the soul. There is literally something in the little things that will make you smile, at the very least. Yes, and smile with your heart. I wish you to make friends with your enthusiasm! Your psychologist, Anastasia Aseeva