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From the author: Articles for a women's magazine. How to stop worrying and endlessly improve yourself and everything around you? After all, living in a constant race to meet someone else’s standards is catastrophically difficult. And worrying about the future, which is somewhere ahead, or tasks, the solution of which is unclear now, is not at all easier. Only when you understand that excessive fuss has consumed you, that your energy is spent not on the implementation of affairs and desires, but on worries or perfectionism, then there is a chance to loosen the reins and find another way. Start living calmly and confidently in trust with the universe. And this is not from the series of magic and esotericism, this is banal general psychology. Everything is logically explainable. When you are inside an experience, it overshadows everything for you, nothing else is visible, only this or that problem looms before your nose. And you get stuck inside the problem, stew in it. The look is not clean, but with discoloration, stains, specks of dust. And the mind quietly tells you (you’ve read smart books) that you need to let go of the situation, that everything will somehow be resolved. But it’s so difficult to do that. I understand you very much. And you continue to climb into the noose with a forced smile on your face. Offering a modern business woman to “do nothing” and just relax is the same as depriving her of the meaning of life. We are so used to being on the move, in the bustle. Only if these were all worthwhile movements, otherwise they are often just vanity, empty vanity. We make mistakes, this makes us even more tense and we make mistakes again. You cannot repeat the same mistake twice. The second time is no longer a mistake. It is a choice. But let me return to our task - to stop worrying. Sometime at the beginning of my path to the development of femininity, when there were still many cockroaches of anxiety with or without cause, I discovered this technique, and today I will share it with you. It is especially for those women who find it difficult to stop just like that. This ability comes with time. Now you can use your active nature for good, but you still need willpower, not without it. As soon as you notice that you are “stuck” and “everything is bad,” you consciously turn on positive thinking + creativity. You switch from worrying to inventing (the most fantastic possible) options for solving the situation. That. on the one hand, your brain is busy with something, it is not idle (this is difficult for it), on the other hand, your attention is no longer in a negative, but in a positive way. Your fantasy may play out in such a way that it will even amuse you, or at least calm you down a little. And then, with a feeling of accomplishment, it will be easier for you to allow yourself to relax and do something for your loved one personally (for soul and body). This is a tricky trick to let go of the situation if you can’t just trust the world. Of course, it is clear that the very appearance of such a problem is closely related to the lack of an internal feeling of being good, loved, worthy of care, and not having to decide everything yourself. Since the problem is pressing, and there are many people who do not want to delve into the topic themselves, but prefer to use ready-made training programs, I recorded the training course “Activating Confidence. 3 steps into the world of dignity and personal freedom." It contains exercises for gently integrating a new worldview into your life and activating inner confidence. there is a video on the page that talks about the course in more detail, see here. In conclusion, I want to tell you an old parable that prompted me to discover a technique for switching a restless female brain. Rebbe Zusi had to repay a debt by morning, but there was no money. The disciples were worried about where they could get money, but the rebbe was calm. He took a piece of paper and wrote down twenty-five ways in which money could come. And on a separate note he wrote another twenty-sixth. The next morning the money came from somewhere. Then the students read the entire list of twenty-five possible ways, but it did not include the case through which the money came. Then Rabbi Zusya opened a separate piece of paper. It says: “God does not need the advice of Rabbi Zusi.” With love, Lyudmila Alipatova"Change. Take action.