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Now the world seems to have turned upside down for us. It won’t be like before and we, as adults, are trying to cope, withstand the pressure of experiences, and adapt. Unfortunately, during this period, a crack occurs not only in the destinies of people, but also in their family ties. I hope that adults will come to an agreement among themselves. But let's remember about the children - they have no one to rely on but us. Today I want to talk to you about what recommendations there are for communicating with children during periods of terrible events. The first thing you should always remember is that you are a symbol of safety and stability for the child. Your direct task, as a parent, is to do everything possible to ensure that he feels a sense of security. At the same time, it will be a mistake to try to isolate him from information - it will find him not at home, but in school or the yard. Don't pretend that nothing is happening, but help cope with anxiety. The feeling of security does not appear from a vacuum, but from the fact that the child sees that the parents are coping with the situation and keeping it (as far as possible) under control. If you notice that the child’s behavior has changed, then initiate a conversation. Gently clarify the reasons and what information worries him. Children, even in kindergarten, often retell the news to each other, and each time the details become more fantastic and terrible. Help your child deal with what has already happened to him. If you have not answered the question, then this place will be filled by the child’s imagination. But what it is like is an open question. Tell your child information about what worries him, and not the whole barrage of data you received. Speak in a language he understands and take his age into account. If a preschooler has a question, discuss it in as simple a language as possible, without scary details or slogans. He may be very scared right now and doesn’t understand - so help him cope with this, and don’t “treat” him, he still won’t understand. Even if we are talking about the fact that his beloved Lego is now harder to get and costs more, then most likely discussions about sanctions and details about “cancel culture” will be unnecessary. Speak as simply and clearly as possible to him. But with teenagers you can speak more freely, but it is important to remember that even at this age his support is his family. So make him feel at home, even if your views differ. This is where we come to a delicate point. Your views on the situation do not have to coincide. But this is not a reason to ruin relationships for the sake of a point of view. We adults are able to maintain a dialogue without getting into arguments. Not always a teenager. He now has his own storm inside (specific to the stage of development), and now it is outside as well. He can provoke, make trouble, and distance himself. Find a way to maintain contact and trust, show that you accept him in any way, with any thoughts. Speak calmly, but not from the position of a “sage”, but help to understand the arguments and facts, check the sources together. If your child adheres to a position, the demonstration of which may entail consequences, then talk about safety. Don't break him, but let him know that you love him and want to take care of him. If necessary and the age matches, review the necessary articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Remember - this is your child and your task is to take care of him, even if “you are a communist, and he is a liberal.” You love him not for his views, but simply because he is, right? So, don’t forget this and before entering into confrontation, take a break, take a deep breath and adjust the flow of the conversation towards dialogue, not conflict. You are the adult here. And tell him that the time is extremely difficult now, but the fact that we torture ourselves with terrible information charged with suffering will not make it any easier for anyone. Therefore, it is better to disconnect from especially bloody channels with screams and calls, and view the remaining ones in doses, gradually reducing the time and number of approaches - ideally, you can achieve several times a day to stay informed. It is important to speak up yourself (as much as possible).