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A woman’s dream – as soon as I think about something, my husband or my boyfriend already knows or has guessed what exactly I want. Or as soon as I started talking about my desire, he finished the conversation for me and is already doing or carrying out what I wanted. Or she always gets the gift right, or she knows and feels when I’m sad and need help or support. And also, he always gives me little surprises on time and almost “reads my thoughts” about what I need at that very moment. Not a relationship, but a fairy tale. By the way, this is not always a fairy tale. Not a fairy tale, but not the norm either. I liked what one of my colleagues said – “it’s more like a personality mutation.” When our partner can do as described above, this may indicate some distortion in his upbringing. Mothers are involved in this. It is they who teach their sons to guess their desires, subtly feel changes in their mother’s mood, understand and support without words, predict their mother’s fatigue, etc. This happens when mothers in their heads endow their sons with qualities that the child cannot and should not show towards his mother. It's not his responsibility. We are talking about parental behavior towards their mother at an age when the child most often needs support and support. Here the question of psychological incest between mother and son may even arise, when she gives her son the functions that her man should, in theory, perform. I don’t mean the sexual aspect now, but everything else is usually there in such parent-child relationships. And this is not the norm. The situation is appropriate both in single-parent families and in families where the father is present, but has, for example, some kind of addiction, or works a lot, is emotionally cold and distant. In general, girls, what we so often dream of in our partners and get upset when we don’t get it is not the norm. And it shouldn’t be like this from the word “at all”. And that's why. Reading thoughts, guessing desires, instantly satisfying needs exactly as we need them - this is about a special maternal skill related to the mother-baby bond. This refers to a purely female temporary ability during the period of birth of a child and its development up to one year. For men, this ability is not genetically and biologically provided. In other words, if a man has it, this mutation is closer to pathology. The baby does not and cannot do anything until he has learned to move independently and point to objects. He is helpless until about a year old. That’s when the mother needs to guess and “read the needs and desires” of the baby. Then this skill should gradually die out, as the child learns to independently ask, move towards what he wants and, in general, achieve it himself. Even if the mother still recognizes the needs of a growing and gaining independence baby, she must pretend that she does not understand anything and cannot help. This stimulates the development of many functions in the child at once, which simply will not have the opportunity to develop if the mother continues to “guess” for the child. The mother’s task is to ask and clarify, provoking in the baby the development of speech, facial expressions, gestures, the ability to experience difficulties and cope with them. Yes, a lot of things are developing there. Interaction and building communication, among other things. If the mother continues to guess and anticipate for quite a long time, what is the point of the child learning all this?! By the way, the expectations from the world and others from such a child, and then from an adult, will be appropriate - just like from a mother. Let's imagine how many disappointments and insults such a child will face in adult life. Especially at first. This adult is not very good at voicing his needs, because before, mom always guessed and did it. The ability to make decisions, set goals and achieve them is most likely not up to par. The inability to receive or achieve something causes extreme frustration. Almost unbearable. I think many people are familiar with it. We girls generally get offended very often and.