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Hypochondria is an unreasonable and exaggerated fear for one’s health, where a person is confident or is constantly looking for some kind of disease. Many examinations are carried out, but during the examination no organic pathology is found. This may calm you down only temporarily, or not at all. Then the person begins to look for other specialists, because he does not trust the previous ones, does not trust laboratories and test results. Constantly retakes tests and undergoes repeated examinations. And so many times. A person is sure that he definitely has some kind of disease, it just cannot be diagnosed. A person with hypochondria is a person with neurotic anxiety disorder. (maybe GAD, OCD). A person who is faced with chronic anxiety or is experiencing a neurotic intrapersonal conflict. Hypochondria works according to the dominant principle (this is the dominant focus of excitation or, in simple words, what our brain switches attention to and fixates). Chronic anxiety or neurotic conflict activates the dominant (an area of ​​the brain that is constantly occupied with information and problems about the husband, wife, personal life, etc.). At some point, this area of ​​the brain overheats and a new focus of excitation turns on. Which is based on the instinct of self-preservation and fear for health and one’s life. Hypochondria is always accompanied by a fear of death (death is the main vital need that displaces all others). If there are long-term unresolved issues that drag on over time, the dominant hypochondria will generate new foci and new fears, these fears will eventually go in a circle, and bodily sensations will become involved. A symptom is needed to shift attention and rationalize this shift. Hypochondria itself does not require treatment. Because this is a consequence, and you need to work with anxiety. Look for the cause of this anxiety, because the problem may be: 1) unconscious 2) subjectively unsolvable (cannot solve the problem or make a decision) Until the true problem is solved, hypochondria will not end. Thus, the body suggests that something wrong is happening in life. And we need to deal with this. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT), person-oriented psychotherapy (LORPt) helps with this.).