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Oh, these manipulators. They have a whole bag for you, different chips and gadgets, with the help of which they first recruit you, and then hook you up and subjugate you to their will. Let's take a look at what elements they use to pull them into their hole. Devaluation Devaluation is one of the most effective methods for provocation and manipulation. Devaluation is aimed at making the interlocutor begin to feel worse about himself. Because in this case it is easier to manipulate a person, to impose his own goals, such a person defends his boundaries less well. A person is weaker the worse he treats himself. Finding values ​​In order to manipulate a person, you must first probe his values, his weak points, his supports. If you attack a person on all fronts, it will not be effective. If you know where to strike, you can defeat a person with a minimum of effort. When a person is struck, you need to be nearby so that he can lean on the one who struck him. Then the aggressor will not seem like an aggressor - on the contrary, he will look like someone who “wants what is best.” Oddly enough, the best way to understand what to devalue is through compliments. You need to praise a person for various manifestations. And where he will emotionally turn on - react, swim - there are his values ​​and supports. We praise a person for everything: for a car, for things, jewelry, the art of speech, a deep soul. We gradually throw out what there is no reaction to. The circle narrows - we get a set of its values ​​and supports. On these topics, he can be devalued and he will lose stability. Hormonal arrivals At the same time, recruitment also occurs. In ordinary life, people rarely experience an endorin rush from being told how wonderful he is from all sides, from this flow of attention and compliments. Compliments have different effects depending on the hormone that is produced after them. Usually a person is led by one type of compliment. Serotonin: “You are the most beautiful, in this company you are the smartest, you are the best employee of this company.” The message is “you are the best.” We continue until the person is saturated with serotonin. This can be understood because how satisfied and proud of himself he will become. Endorphin: “How smart, beautiful, sweet, kind you are, you have a beautiful smile.” The message is “you are good.” we just say something pleasant to the person, not in a superlative degree, but in a mean way. Dopamine: “You and I are going to a party on Saturday. In the summer I will take you to Gelendzhik. And in the fall we will go to Monaco.” The message: “something very pleasant will happen for you soon.” Anticipation. It’s better to talk about what a person turns on, what he wants. A person will not get off this effect until you keep your promise or until he decides that your words are worthless and there is nothing to wait for. Oxytocin: “We are so close. You understand me so perfectly. I relate to what you are talking about. You are a dear person to me." The message is “it’s great to be close to you.” If the manipulator gives an exceptional dose of this hormone, a replanting occurs. The manipulator can even mix these hormones into a nuclear mixture, alternating different compliments if the victim “turns on” to different topics. Step back After the addition, the manipulator takes a “step back” - reduces the dose of compliments. After this, the psyche will no longer accept that this flow of pleasure has ended. She will lean forward. The victim is sincerely surprised: Where are you going? Everything was so wonderful. The manipulator becomes a dealer of pleasure. The first dose is free. The person shifts the center of gravity from himself to the one who recruited him. And at this moment the most painful thing happens: the manipulator makes a blow, depreciation. The blow falls on the most painful place. For example, if a person is dependent on how others evaluate his professional activities, the manipulator says: “And what makes you think that everything you do is needed by someone? There are a lot of people like you on the market.” A person feels like his world is collapsing. Or if a person is dependent on the approval of others, he is told: “In fact, you are everything.”: 8-918-253-73-83