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Most parents wait with fear and trembling for their children to approach adolescence. For some parents, the beginning of this period is an alarming alarm, calling to be on guard in anticipation of future problems. Undoubtedly, adolescence is characterized by its own “peculiarity”, a certain risk of developing a special series of problems, etc. However, in which cases do the parents really need urgent action, and in which cases should it be enough to calmly and consistently take some measures to the situation.... I would like to dedicate this article to this topic. Dear parents! Try to answer the following 2 questions first: 1. When would you (in case of what behavior of your teenager) immediately decide that you urgently need to see a psychologist?2. What kind of behavior of your teenager wouldn’t bother you?” Have you thought about it? Great. It’s better to write down your answers on paper so as not to forget. So, let’s check your answers. I would even say “run!”, with wide eyes, putting aside other, no less important, but in this case definitely less priority matters: 1. A sharp drop in performance at school (“he was an excellent student, now he is a C student, a bad student”)2. Regular absence from school (the teenager stopped attending school) 3. Running away from home for more than a day 4. Theft (in the house and not only) 5. Regular use of psychoactive substances 6. Just an interest in the topic of suicide 8. “all in oneself”) 9. Aggressive behavior “CASES REQUIRING APPLICATION” It is necessary to make an appointment with a psychologist for the following behavioral manifestations of a teenager: 1. Frequent absences from school: 1 time per week 2. The teenager has a clear lack of friends 3. company4. “Immersion” in gadgets: more than 5 hours a day5. Drinking alcohol once a week6. Regular drowsiness, lack of appetite, anxiety7. Drug use experience8. Sexual experience before 14 years of age9. Traces of self-harm on the body (scratches, scars, often on the arms, legs) "CASES REQUIRING PERSONAL NEED" These behavioral manifestations of a teenager should not greatly alarm or strain the parent, since they are typical "manifestations" of age. You can first try to correct the teenager’s behavior with the parent himself, and only then seek the help of a psychologist, if necessary.1. Conflicts at school2. Some decline in academic performance3. Conflicts in the family4. Mood swings5. Uncontrollability6. Experiments with appearance (hairstyle, hair color, clothes)7. Occasional smoking and occasional alcohol consumptionIf you have read this article to the end and decide to contact me for advice on the behavior of your teenager, then be sure to tell me about this when making an appointment and receive a 30% discount on the first consultation! BEFORE YOUR MEETING AT THE CONSULTATION!!!