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As a rule, a psychologist stops working with clients or adjusts the workload, turns to a personal therapist if he notices precursors of emotional burnout syndrome. However, it also happens that a psychologist, trying to earn more money or escape from everyday problems into business, is in no hurry to adjust his appointment schedule, continuing to consult, or even conduct therapy in a state of emotional burnout. Both the clients themselves suffer from this or do not receive adequate help, and the psychologist damages their reputation, self-esteem and health. Emotional burnout syndrome (EBS) has symptoms reminiscent of depression, and often occurs in people of human-to-human professions - teachers, psychologists, doctors, all those who have to interact a lot with others personally and deal with the human factor. At risk for CMEA are people with emotional instability, prefectionists, workaholics, those who have difficulties in personal relationships (the need to to speak out to a loved one, to be heard, suppression of emotions occurs, all this can aggravate conflict), as well as those who have a lack of leisure component, all interests are focused on work and monotonous pastime (only watching TV series, for example, in free time from work). With SEV, there is a gradual depletion of psychophysical resources. Every day, a psychologist has to listen to people, show empathy, analyze clients’ problems in order to respond correctly, give recommendations for the purpose of therapeutic influence, simultaneously control his own reactions, monitor countertransference, sometimes deal with client dissatisfaction, devaluation, etc. The psychologist shares his resource, which means he must replenish this resource in a timely manner. What if the resource is not replenished? For example, a psychologist held consultations, then comes home, where a taciturn spouse is waiting for him, closed in his own interests, a lot of everyday problems, at the same time, he does not turn to a personal therapist, perhaps overestimating his strengths, does not have sufficient rest, wellness and cultural and leisure activities, and maybe even normal sleep, “polishing” it all with alcohol for the time being. Then CMEA is guaranteed. A person who is not completely stable needs even less. What reactions might a client encounter when a psychologist experiences burnout syndrome? The psychologist loses control of himself. Mature defenses increasingly give way to primitive ones, and finally a nervous breakdown occurs.1. Devaluation, ignorance of the client’s problems, feelings, manifestation of cynicism, irony regarding the client and adherence to the principles of psychotherapy (for example, a funny statement about supervision, even to the point of devaluing one’s own work: “it’s stupid to expect anything from me, I can only listen to you”).2 . Showing passive aggression towards the client. For example, a psychologist may deliberately not work through the client’s problem, not give interpretations, recommendations, keep him in a state of uncertainty, stress, send double messages, not respond to messages or delay in answering, be constantly late, talk on the phone during a session, constantly be distracted, interrupt, demonstrate boredom, manipulate the client’s complexes, his affection, and even play on the feeling of falling in love, invite the client to take part in solving his personal problems (for example, realizing that the client is in love, the psychologist may ask him to look for a more suitable office, raise the price for reception, etc.).3. Emotional instability: demonstration of rage, tearfulness, uncontrollable laughter that does not correspond to the situation, irritability, complaints about one’s health.4. Alexithymia. At the same time, the psychologist’s face resembles a wax mask, from which it is impossible to understand his emotional state, the feeling of detachment, the inability to feel his emotions, express them, show them.!