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There are books that heal...I became acquainted with one of them, “She Runs with the Wolves,” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes many years ago. It was a difficult period in my life, and the book was also difficult to read. I started reading it, and gave up, started again, and didn’t understand anything, it was very difficult. Only now, years later, I understand that I “didn’t allow” to let into my soul the pain that fairy tales told about. Nothing was clear to me. I was angry with myself, with the author, with the psychologist who advised me to read it after my latest work with the shadow. Only now I understand that it was this book that became for me a guide to the knowledge contained in the book. And after almost 8 years I went to study Shadow Work - working with the Shadow. I returned to the book again and again, and closed it again, as if not wanting to read it and accept what I needed to realize then. Time passed, I became very ill and took the book again. I didn’t let go of it, having “swallowed” it within a day. I didn’t feel the temperature, I read it as if it was the first time. I read, and every fairy tale told me about me. This was a revolution in my consciousness, and a different perception of the written text came. I realized how much I missed this book and how much I missed these words, which so warm my soul and make me be braver and allow me to hear myself and my heart. Now this is my reference book, and I very often recommend it to women in my groups or after consultations. But not everyone, and not always. Because you have to come to it, come from within, come in your own time. In this book, dedicated to female archetypes, the author tells, in his interpretation, fairy tales that contain hidden and important meanings for women all over the world, no matter how old they are and where they live. Each fairy tale leads with its own paths along the uncharted roads of the soul and allows a woman to be herself, to remember herself. Fairy tales are told, taught, healed, warmed when the cold envelops a woman’s body and makes her yearn... Fairy tales lift a woman’s spirit, will, and give her strength and energy. Everything that was extinguished, hidden, forgotten in the corners of a woman’s soul comes to life again, thanks to the wisdom of the fairy tale. The first story from the book is the tale of Bluebeard... This is a tale about female initiation, about how girlish naivety is, how it can be preserved and in an adult woman, and sexual curiosity leads the girl into the arms of Bluebeard. Bluebeard is a symbol of a monster living in a woman’s soul and preventing her from developing. Falling into the clutches of a predator who kills women, a young girl shows ingenuity and resourcefulness, manages to avoid death and gain freedom. This fairy tale sets in motion the inner life of a woman, tells her how it is possible to find a way out of a situation when it seems that there is no way out. This fairy tale is also about the fact that women often do not want or cannot see what is obvious to everyone . Blue Beard. What could be even stranger? But, if you really want to believe in something, and even if it is only an illusion, then the color of the beard, which warns of danger, with its poisonous appearance, does not seem so strange... So in our real life, female naivety and carelessness becomes what allows a woman to go against common sense into a relationship, into marriage with someone who will hurt, bolt the doors of the house and become a tyrant. But often we don’t see this for a very long time. Fairy tales are a reflection of collective wisdom, passed on from mouth to mouth, that wisdom that is unchanged and relevant at all times. Now remembering the beginning of my “relationship” with the book “Running with the Wolves”, I understand that then I needed a guide, an assistant , in someone who could be next to me when I walked through the pages of my life and the pages of the book, so that I could hear the words and understand their essence. And if, then, I had met the person who gave me his hand at that moment, then maybe my path would have been a little easier. Therefore, it is very important that every woman has such a guide next to her..