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- “I just can’t forgive,” said the gnome. “There are things that cannot be forgiven under any circumstances.” “If you cannot forgive, then acceptance will free you from forgiveness. - the wise old man answered him. “When there is acceptance, forgiveness is not required.” The dwarf reflected on the old man’s words and could not wrap his head around the fact that what cannot be forgiven in any situation can be accepted and forgiveness will not be required. How is this even possible?! “Acceptance does not mean agreement with actions, words or anything else that you cannot forgive,” the old man continued. “Acceptance is awareness of the fact that what you cannot forgive was inevitable in relation to the one who is the culprit of your offense.” “Then why did I become the object to whom this was directed?” - the gnome exclaimed angrily. “You start asking the right questions,” the old man smiled. “When we ask the right question, we rise above what worries us very much and can look at everything from a different perspective.” “Why do I need all this?!” What did I do to deserve this?! Why do I have to live with all this now?!” – he shouted. The anger and resentment that had been overwhelming the dwarf for a long time found their way out, emotions splashed over the edge. Gradually the storm subsided, silence fell and the old man continued: “Sometimes, in order to learn to forgive, we must be offended in such a way that it seems impossible for us to forgive, but this is not so. Sometimes, in order to become patient, we need to experience a lot of situations around us that will test this patience; in order to learn to accept, we must admit that not everything is in our will. There are tests for our body, mind, and there are those that our soul goes through. The soul thinks in other categories; what is terrible in the physical world will help in the formation of spiritual qualities in the spiritual world. Therefore, what cannot be forgiven, as it seems to our mind, can be accepted and forgiven by our soul; perhaps it must go through this lesson, also finding agreement with reason, coming into harmony and love. This is the path for the chosen ones, those who are ready to dare and hear, hear their soul, temper their spirit, heal their body,” the old man fell silent, thoughtfully looking at the starry sky. The darkness thickened, but there was so much calm, depth and wisdom in it. Night is an amazing time, it hides what the day doesn’t want to notice, but if you look closely you can see this amazing world and then it will become a part of you. Day will connect with night and the circle will close. The gnome sat thoughtfully. Much of what he heard today from the wise old man still needs to be comprehended, absorbed and understood, but inside he definitely noticed changes. The information received bore fruit, but it takes time to harvest the fruits of one’s life experience, and the gnome has his whole life ahead of him for this..