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From the author: The case has not been published. Used as educational material in trainings for HR specialists. Recruitment?! JSC "Zhen-Shen" is a reputable pharmaceutical company that keeps up with the times and constantly introduces advanced technologies. For more than 10 years, it has been leading the list of pharmaceutical companies in the Big Forest. It was hard to start after the split of the Great Forest into Big, Small, Far, Swampy and others. But nothing, they survived, the team was preserved, the youth were trained - a real combat shift! And now in the lead! Characters: Great Leo - General Director and main shareholder of the Zhen-Shen company; Wise Badger - production manager. The right hand of the General. All 10 years together! Nimble Belka is the head of the advanced research laboratory. Only two years in the position, and she has already brought five new drugs to mass production. Sly Fox is the head of the sales department. Resourceful, inventive. Only thanks to these qualities are sales plans fulfilled! Dobry Medved is the head of the purchasing department, former head of the sales department. Crackling Magpie is a local television announcer. He is famous for his ability to reason about the unknown and prove the unprovable. Raccoon Poloskun is the head of the HR department. Scrupulous and thorough in his work. The Great Leo appreciates this, despite the conflict and irrepressible temperament of the Raccoon. For several months now, meetings with the Great Leo have been going on with difficulty. Every boss considers it his duty to throw fuel on the fire. And the main theme is that there is no normal staff. - They were crushed by animals! No one can be trusted! You need an eye! – the Sly Fox complained once again. - There is no one to sell to! Five old Hamsters sit on their clients, play dominoes all day long and wait for one of the regular customers to call. If you reprimand someone, they will be offended. They say, we are fulfilling the plan, and our salary will not be increased anyway, why bother? - But how good it was before! – picked up the Good Bear. After all, I recruited these Hamsters for work, and they dug the ground all day long, building up a client base. Lestelecom had a hard time paying their phone bills! By the way, I have the same story in procurement. After all, logistics is an exciting business, like a detective story. And my Seals (God gave me subordinates!) are in office in the literal and figurative sense. But just three years ago, I heard, they were considered the best specialists in their field, they received prizes and bonuses! “It’s no better in production,” said the Wise Badger. – Five years ago, when there were not enough trained personnel, we recruited young Zaichykhs, graduates of the Travkina Academy, assuming that we would train them to be excellent specialists. And after a year or two they got married, and every three months they went on maternity leave. And who will collect medicinal herbs for them, Hedgehog and I? It seems to me that the personnel department didn’t think of something here. - So, the last one showed up! - Raccoon Poloskun rose from his seat. If we fail to manage the management, it’s the personnel’s fault! Which of you has recently submitted a normal recruitment application to me? - Me! - Belka jumped up. “She clearly indicated everything: what the candidate should know, what to be able to do, what experience to have, even knowledge of monkey language (we are establishing connections with Africa here). “Yes, indeed,” supported the Raccoon. – We strictly followed this request and found a specialist. I think Platypus is his last name? A rare specialist, he was brought to us from Australia by accident. And how does it work? – the Raccoon turned to Squirrel. “Excellent student!” Feels like a foreign school! All of us take an example from him! “Well, that means it’s not a matter of personnel, we are responsible for our work,” the Raccoon continued offended. Let’s better think about what’s wrong here and what needs to be corrected,” “Wait a minute,” Lev interrupted everyone. – Now there should be an important message on TV, by the way, about personnel problems. I suggest you stop and take a look. It will also be about us. Without waiting for the consent of those present, Lev stood up and turned on the TV. AThere, Cracking Soroka, the most popular journalist of Les-TV, was already rattling at the top of her lungs. “Look what’s happening, dear TV viewers,” Soroka roared. – Soon there will be no one to work at our enterprises! The birth rate in the Forest is falling! The animals run away in all directions. Over the past year, 16 packs of Wild Boars have fled to the Swampy Forest alone. Is it smeared with honey? No! There are just more acorns there. And who is stopping us from planting oak trees? And there will be plenty of acorns, and the Boars will not go anywhere. And the country only gets one benefit from this: who knows how to plow the land better than Kabanov? What is happening in the woodworking industry? Yes, professionally trained Beavers are hard to find these days! Everyone has rushed to work in the near and far abroad, and there they build European dams for hard currency. They also transport their families there for permanent residence. And now we are visiting one of the leaders of domestic business, the Zhen-Shen pharmaceutical company. And since the topic of our conversation today is personnel, we decided to talk with the director of the company’s personnel department, Mr. Enot Poloskun. Tell me, dear Raccoon, how would you outline the personnel problems of today from a professional point of view? “Oh, they’re showing me,” the Raccoon perked up. “A personnel problem is a systemic problem,” the Raccoon began from the TV. – Here there is poor training of specialists in universities, and outdated methods of personnel selection at enterprises. Today we feel a lack of personnel assessment methods. Annual certifications have turned into formal procedures, unsubscribes that have neither educational nor stimulating value. And here’s another important thing,” continued Raccoon, “in connection with the shortage of qualified personnel that you just talked about, revolutionary changes have occurred in the labor market. Now it is not the enterprise that is looking for great personnel, but great specialists who select a suitable enterprise for themselves, as a rule, according to the principle: “Where the conditions are better.” And creating such conditions is also a problem. So we find ourselves in a vicious circle: To create good conditions, you need solid money. Highly professional specialists can earn substantial money. And where they pay little money, good specialists don’t go. - How do you get out of the situation? How do you manage to remain a leader in such a difficult situation? – Soroka chirped with a note of empathy in her voice. “Today we rely on outstanding specialists whom we appoint to key positions, and of course we are looking for funds to create decent conditions for them.” But there are only a few such specialists, and we understand that their capabilities are limited - each of them cannot move mountains alone. Hundreds and thousands of proactive and creative heads, professional working paws and wings are required, and modern technologies are also needed that reduce the use of manual labor. This is what we are doing now. But the key, as it seems to me, is in the system of selecting specialists. - Thank you, Mr. Poloskun! Let me remind our TV viewers that my interlocutor was the head of the personnel department of the Zhen-Shen joint-stock company, Raccoon Poloskun. This concludes the program. But the problem remains, and it’s up to us to solve it! The Crackling Magpie was with you. See you again on the air! - Raccoon, you seem to know something and are silent! – Lev growled restrainedly. “Of course I know, and you all know this: personnel management is the task not only of the personnel department, but also of each manager individually.” In addition, human resource management is a system that includes four main elements. The first is the selection and placement of personnel, the second is systematic assessment of personnel, the third is training and development, the fourth is motivation and stimulation. Under certain conditions, this system is capable of operating like a self-regulating perpetual motion machine. But what these conditions are is something we all need to think about. No one will do this better than us or instead of us! - Poloskun concluded his fiery speech. “Well,” the Great said condescendingly, “in that case, it makes sense.”?