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From the author: Well, then. Autumn has come. And the measured and sensual analysis of dreams gives up part of my workspace to business technologies. Managers want a simple typology of their employees. Quite simple. To know how to figure out what to expect and how to motivate. Well, what can’t you do in a friendly way? Once I promised! How often do you hear the expression: “He’s so temperamental! He has a strong character!”? What is hidden behind these words? How does temperament differ from character and how to get along with people of different temperaments? It is no secret to many that each person needs a special approach. How to influence people? Apparently, everyone is affected differently, depending on their temperament. Some people can be “taken on weakly”; others, without a clear justification of the benefits of the matter, will not even get their butt off the couch. Knowing the temperament of your interlocutor, you can easily win negotiations with him, present exactly those arguments that he is ready to perceive and hear. Understand his motives for action, avoid unnecessary insults and reproaches. Of course, we are all different. But not so much that it cannot be systematized. And attempts to systematize the diversity of human temperaments go back centuries. So, what is temperament? Translated from Latin, this term means “mixed in proper parts.” This is a natural characteristic determined genetically. You can compare temperament to the bed of a river in which all other mental processes and human states take place. A noisy mountain river is not able to behave like a wide, smooth lowland river. A person with a stormy temperament reacts to the world differently than a calm person. One person himself drives everyone crazy, but to stir up another, enormous efforts are needed. In India and China, they tried to describe a person’s temperament by involving various elements. Ether, fire, wind, water and earth. The most famous classification of temperaments was proposed by Hippocrates, who proposed using it to describe the fluids of the human body. Sangvis - blood, chole - bile, melana chole - black bile and phlegm - mucus. And we get four “pure” types of temperaments: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic. Subsequently, they tried to consider temperament from several other positions. Taking into account the so-called “neuroticism scale”, which determines a person’s emotional stability, at the extreme poles of which the marks “Emotional Instability” and “Emotional Stability” were set. And the second scale, which determines a person’s orientation towards the world or towards himself, with the poles “Extraversion” and “Introversion”. As a result of this classification, scientists have returned to where they started. To Hippocrates, since Sanguine and Phlegmatic turned out to be emotionally stable types, with the difference that Sanguine is an extrovert (directed towards the world), and Phlegmatic is an introvert (directed towards himself). Emotionally unstable are: extrovert-choleric, introvert-melancholic. Our compatriot Ivan Petrovich Pavlov also left his contribution in this area. He identified three binary properties of the nervous system, on which he based his classification. It is surprising that she again came to the Hippocratic formula. What properties did Pavlov identify? Strength-weakness Balance-imbalance Mobility-inertia By strength he understood resistance to prolonged exposure to a stimulus. Balance is the ability to move from one reaction to another. Mobility is the speed of formation of new connections. As a result, 4 main types of temperament were obtained: Strong, balanced, mobile - Sanguine Strong, balanced, inert - Phlegmatic Strong, unbalanced - Choleric Weak - Melancholic Another greeting from Hippocrates! It must also be said in this vein that temperament does not depend on biological factors, it is genetically determined and depends on the type of nervous system. What are these types of temperaments? Phlegmatic - unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingymanifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and balanced. At work, he is productive, compensating for his leisurely behavior with diligence. Choleric is fast, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. A choleric person, getting carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and quickly becomes exhausted. A sanguine person is a lively, hot-tempered, active person, with frequent changes of impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, who quite easily comes to terms with his failures and troubles. Usually a sanguine person has expressive facial expressions. He is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about it; if the work is not interesting, he treats it indifferently, he becomes bored. Melancholic is easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts sharply to external factors . He often cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by force of will; he is highly impressionable and easily emotionally vulnerable. So, what do we have? When entering into a relationship or communication with a phlegmatic person, we need to understand that with the equanimity of a tank, he will move towards his goal. To rush it means to delay the completion of the work even more. Until he realizes the new strategy, until he masters the tactics. And all this - with the calm look of a bull who is about to descend from the mountain, and then... The whole flock will be his. The choleric, in contrast to the “braking” phlegmatic, is a real “explosion package”! “Grab your bags, the station has left!” Everything must be done quickly, right now, and whoever is not with us is against us! You need to “catch” a choleric person at the moment of his emotional upsurge. It is he, an unbalanced extrovert, who is easy to take the “weakest” approach to this. Perhaps he will have time to do what you need while this condition continues. And if not, don’t blame him, after the emotional euphoria there will be a “rollback” and he will not care at all about all your admonitions. A sanguine person could be an ideal partner in a relationship if he were not an excellent manipulator himself. And also an outright lazy person if the interaction is not personally interesting to him. Melancholic. A classic example is Pierrot or Eeyore. Life is not good and there are enemies all around. Thinking about the consequences of his actions prevents him from taking the actions themselves. He really needs outside support. OK. By lending your shoulder to him, you will find a devoted friend. Naturally, there are practically no pure types of temperament. All liquids are mixed, as stated, in the proper proportions. However, there are predominant “liquids”. It’s worth remembering this and not demanding from people what they cannot do. You wouldn't force a three-year-old to solve logarithms, would you? It is also impossible to demand speed of reactions from a phlegmatic person, Olympic calmness from a choleric person, execution of routine work from a sanguine person, and willpower from a melancholic person. I. Kant in his book “Reflections on the Sense of Beauty” (1764) wrote that a phlegmatic person is distinguished by a “lack of moral feeling,” and a melancholic person, more than anyone else, has “genuine virtue,” the sense of beauty is most developed in a sanguine person, and the sense of honor - in a choleric person. But here are the characteristics given by A.P. Chekhov. Let's not forget that he is not only a writer, but also a zemstvo doctor. Sanguine (based on a strong, balanced, mobile type of nervous system). "Constant in his inconstancy. All impressions affect him easily and quickly. This is where his frivolity comes from. Either he never reads anything at all, or everything. He reads avidly. He does only what he loves. He marries accidentally. He is always at war with his mother-in-law. Woman - a sanguine person is the most tolerable woman, if she is not stupid.” Choleric (based on a strong, unbalanced - with a predominance of excitement - type of nervous system). “He is bilious and his face is yellow-gray. His eyes are tossing and turning in their sockets like hungry wolves. Irritable. Deeply convinced that in winter “the devil knows how cold it is,” and in the summer “the devil knows how cold it is.”!