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"I want to understand where the complexes come from and what their causes are" - these are the words often used when working with the psyche. However, understanding does not mean changing. The result of working with a psychologist according to this scheme is reminiscent of the famous story about a consultant who answers “what time is it?” on your own wristwatch, and then forgets to return it. Of course, you can end up learning a lot of interesting things about your own deep processes of the psyche - remember the joke: “Are you tormented by nightmares? - Doctor, why are they tormented? I enjoy them.” However, not everyone is able to enjoy the twisted plot of their problems. Most people still want to get rid of them. Why doesn't awareness solve the problem? In fact, each of us knows that an accurate understanding of the causes of engine failure does not restore the car - it still needs to be taken to a car service center and repaired. But Freud postulated “catharsis leads to getting rid of problems”!? And at the same time, according to some sources, in his entire life he had only 6 clients who underwent psychoanalysis. Because awareness does not solve problems, it only discharges accumulated energy, which, like the energy of a battery, feeds these problems. Temporarily de-energize your inner demons by speaking out, understanding, and even crying. Tempting, but for how long? If the question concerns a trivial problem, then such a release (like a conversation with a friend) will give relief forever. What if the problem is more complex than just accumulated tension and unexpressed emotions? If the problem concerns failure in a whole area of ​​life: for example, you can’t find the man of your dreams, or discover your own femininity and sexuality? This already requires an adjustment of the psyche, and not just an understanding of “my reason is that my car broke down, so now I will walk.” In such cases, simply finding out the reasons for your problems, and then “walking and not sinning again” is unlikely to work. Because it requires adjustment and restructuring of some parts of the psyche, not just remembering, but proper re-awareness and cleaning up of some traumas of the past. If the reason for low self-esteem, for example, is beating by classmates. Then simply remembering this with tears and all the details will not solve the problem of broken self-esteem. Only changing certain codes with the help of which the psyche recorded this incident in the foundation of your personality will help. For example, the simplest trance technique of resourcing, when, having returned to “there and then,” you endow yourself with internal resources that were not enough to cope with the offenders... And you discover that now in your memories they do not even dare to approach, let alone enter into a fight. This approach allows you to literally rebuild the problem areas of the foundation of the psyche and straighten the entire Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is much more convenient and pleasant to resolve the problem than to constantly spend attention and energy on “keeping your left hand from what your right does not want.”".