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The popular imagination has created a picture that associates anxiety with negative, unpleasant and dangerous circumstances. However, even positive situations can cause a lot of anxiety. Who has never worried about getting a promotion or expecting a baby? Change, whether positive or negative, usually causes fear and anxiety. This happens because we are forced to leave the environment in which we feel comfortable and protected in the face of an unknown situation. Of course, at this point you may be wondering how to deal with anxiety caused by change. Fortunately, there are some very simple techniques that will help you achieve your goal:1. Write down the reasons for your anxiety. What scares you? What consequences are you concerned about? What's the worst thing that could happen to you? Lay everything out on a piece of paper and re-read all the points one by one. What are the chances that your fears will come true? Surely you will realize that you are slightly exaggerating the possible consequences of the change. In your mind you have created a story that scares you, but which is very unlikely.2. Breathe. When we are stressed, afraid or anxious, our breathing becomes shorter and irregular. So if you're feeling particularly anxious, take a deep breath and count to six as you inhale and count to eight as you exhale. Repeat this at least ten times. At the end you will feel much more relaxed.3. Exercise regularly. Walking or running are great exercises for anxious people, especially if you choose a green and relaxing environment as a backdrop. The hormones that are released during exercise will make you feel not only more relaxed, but also happier. When you feel particularly anxious, opt for an energetic walk in nature or by the sea.4. Revisit your positive memories. Anxiety usually occurs when a person focuses on future situations that may affect him. A great way to cope with anxiety is to look back and remember situations in which you felt safe and happy.5. Avoid stimulants: Avoid stimulants such as coffee, colas, energy drinks, and nicotine during the change period. This will make you feel more relaxed. Remember that change frightens us because we see it as a huge and threatening “whole.” But if you manage to divide it into many small parts, you will realize that it is not so difficult to deal with.