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“What does the coming day have in store for me?” (A.S. Pushkin) I’m sure many people woke up with a similar question today. Uncertainty, stress, tension put more and more pressure on us. What only yesterday seemed unshakable and eternal collapsed in the blink of an eye. There is no time, and we were not ready for such a turn of fate. How to cope with the fear of the next crisis? What to do to stay afloat and not give in to panic? I offer 3 simple techniques that will help you cope with anxiety and stress without leaving home. IMPORTANT! If you feel that you cannot control yourself and your condition is more like a panic attack, you should not engage in “self-medication”, it is better to consult a psychologist or call a helpline to get immediate help. So, to the practitioners. 1. Solitude Try to find time and place just for yourself every day. If the whole family is at home, the apartment is small, and the current conditions do not allow you to go outside, lock yourself in the bathroom or toilet. At least 15 minutes a day. Allow yourself moments of solitude. This is really very important. 2. Breathing In any situation when you realize that anxiety is coming, breathe. In psychology there is a term “breathe”. So, breathe out your feelings. Breathe deeply, do it not only with your chest but also with your stomach: place your hand on it and watch how, as you inhale, your stomach inflates gently, without tension (the hand rises), and as you exhale, it lowers. If you want to calm down, then make sure that you exhale longer than inhalation. For example, inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 6. 10 such cycles are enough and you will already feel much calmer! This is a very simple and effective self-help technique. Many people know about it, but not everyone actually practices it. So don't put it off for too long. Don't wait for a stressful situation. “Do your homework” ahead of time and practice now. Breathe into your belly to the count of your choice, and then continue reading. Return to conscious breathing several times throughout the day. Develop a habit. And then in a stressful situation it is activated automatically. 3. Support If you feel like you are losing your sense of support and the ground is disappearing from under your feet, I suggest a simple technique. Go to the wall, lean on it, straighten your back and give your weight to the surface on which you are leaning. Scan your attention throughout your body: from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and back. Find stressed areas and “give” this stress to the wall. Feel its strength and hardness. Feel confident. Realize that you have something to fall back on. By performing these practices, you will be able to provide yourself with first aid and cope with anxiety. I give 17 more practices on how to preserve love during quarantine, how to earn money during a crisis and use it for growth in the charity master class Psychological Safety Cushion. Login - donation.