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Feelings are persistent emotional experiences of a person that arise in the process of his relationships with the outside world. Their role in a person’s life is difficult to overestimate, because it is our feelings that tell us whether we like what is happening or not, whether we want the situation to continue and develop or not. A person’s feelings can very roughly be divided into two types: positive and negative. We accept positive ones (joy, affection) with pleasure. I want to push negative ones (jealousy, anger, fear) away from myself, not to experience them at all. However, our feelings are signals from our brain, and if we do not respond to these signals, the brain will begin to “signal stronger”, feelings not only will not go anywhere , they will intensify, completely take over all a person’s thoughts, and in severe cases can lead to the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases. The conclusion suggests itself, feelings cannot be ignored, you need to learn to hear, accept and respond to them. Today I want to introduce you to one of the methods of working with feelings that anyone can immediately apply even without the help of a specialist. Indicate in a word the feeling you are experiencing. Imagine your a feeling in the form of some kind of image, what does it look like? What color is it? What material is it made of? What structure does it have, what elements does it consist of? What shape is it? Now try to “play” with this image: move it up and down, left and right, change all the parameters of the image to diametrically opposite ones, dark colors to light, dense to soft, bright to dull, and so on. And finally, return your image to its original form. Now try to change something in the image so that it becomes a little prettier in your opinion, take a closer look at the new image, is it possible to change something else so that you start to like the image a little more. Make all the changes that you consider possible. Now you have a new image of your feeling. Listen to yourself, has your attitude towards the feeling itself changed? Can you now accept both the image and your feeling. If you answered yes, accept this feeling, allow yourself to feel it. If not, continue to repeat steps 4-5 until the image and feeling become acceptable to you. And next time I will tell you how you can reduce the intensity of an unpleasant experience using the EFT method.