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The crisis is raging in the world like a tsunami. The Internet, television, and print media are full of information about the terrible consequences of ruin, lack of money, unemployment and impoverishment of the population. Modern sociologists and political scientists say that a consumer psychology has been formed in the market and in the community, which has been very effective in developing the provision of goods and services. This, in turn, led to successful development in various areas of business, industry and the economy as a whole. After a long, long period of shortages and shortages, the post-Soviet citizen of Russia was carefully getting used to the abundance of goods and services, as well as to their better quality. And now, it would seem, we had already calmed down and stopped worrying, when the global economic crisis broke out. Again we are told that we need to tighten our belts and be frugal. Again, many suffer losses, and fear and uncertainty settle in their souls. However, not everyone is desperate and many, having heeded the proposals of anti-crisis programs and measures, are trying to maintain composure, faith in success and, oddly enough, a stable income. How do they do it, how do they differ from the majority of people? Psychologists say that today’s crisis is not only in the financial and economic sphere, but in the minds and souls of people. Consumer psychology is dangerous for a person because it leaves him in a serene state of receiving benefits, fullness, as in childhood. A child is born and is supported by his parents for a long time. His quality of life, and life itself, depend on how he is cared for: what he is fed, what he is given, how he is loved. If parents are too protective of their child, overfeed, give so much that the child has nothing to desire, then the person forms an active dependent position on living conditions, on the existing reality, on the environment and financial resources. On the other hand, children who were raised in families with limited resources of love, attention, verbal and physical stroking, support and worthy, not feigned praise, spend the rest of their lives looking for this resource missing for normal development. They desperately seek to fulfill this through success and recognition in the social environment: from partners, loved ones, bosses, authorities, etc. On the contrary, they have a deficiency syndrome, eternal hunger and lack. No matter how many achievements and praise they receive, it’s not enough for them; they want more and more. There is a certain greed for everything that surrounds them. They always consider themselves not good enough and worthy of these benefits. Both categories of people are terrified of any losses, even the smallest and insignificant ones. Their anxiety grows even when everything seems to be fine and prosperous, and anxiety forces them to work feverishly all the time, leaving no time for family members, or for favorite things, or for proper rest and sleep. The internal and external tension is so great and growing every day that, as people say, “the nerves can’t stand it.” This is where the danger of a nervous and physical breakdown lurks. Symptoms of various diseases arise that are based on stress - strokes, heart attacks, gastrointestinal disorders, vegetative-vascular diseases, endocrine disorders. In addition, painful physical sensations are accompanied by mental disorders - irritability, insomnia, panic, depression, both sluggish and all-consuming. And all these reasons shape events in life: quarrels in the family, failures at work and in business, loss of financial well-being, problems with alcohol, drugs, and gambling. They fall on a person like a snowball. What kind of quality of life can we talk about here? Often, those who have enough money cannot be called happy and rich. Where is the way out? And he, as a rule, is not far, very close. He is inside you. I just need to dig it out there, highlight it, and figure out what’s wrong with me. It is difficult to do this yourself, because a person in a state of stress and depression has the ability to tunnelvisions or a state of passion, according to scientific. This means that a person is limited in his emotional and energy resources. It looks like this: “Everything is bad”, “some kind of catastrophe”, “everyone is a bastard and traitor”, “you can’t trust anyone”, “I knew it”, “nothing will work out”, “I don’t have the strength for this” etc. A person is in a tunnel of these beliefs. Hence, the inability to cope with the situation on one’s own. There is fatigue and a desire to forget, to escape from reality, to plunge, even into a temporary, artificial state of illusory well-being and pleasure: obsessive sex, infidelity, overeating, computer addiction, abuse of alcohol and other chemical substances (drugs, medications - antidepressants, analgesics, sleep aids, etc.) etc.). These “pleasures” take away the last of a person’s finances and create financial problems. Contacting a psychologist has become a habit quite recently and has come into our lives, like many other things, from developed communities and countries. There, they say, this is the norm of life, an important need and a necessity in a crisis situation. Everyone knows that during a surgical operation the intervention of an experienced surgeon is necessary, and in case of toothache - a good dentist. But here in Russia, for our ordinary people, there is an opinion that human psychology is something universal that does not require support and attention, and the psyche is not an organ, but rather an addition to the physical body. This gives rise to the opinions of a lot of people: “It will go away on its own,” “it will resolve,” “somehow, on my own,” “I can do it myself and I don’t need anyone.” It won't work!! Psyche and psychology, that is, the human soul (“psyche” - translated from Greek means “soul”), is a very subtle and vulnerable mechanism. It is not for nothing that people who have gone crazy are called mentally ill. And popular wisdom says that “if God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his reason.” Chronic stress and the experience of failures and losses also lead to cancer. Scientists have identified a direct relationship between cancer and long-term experiences of negative feelings: fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, guilt, resentment, etc. Everyone knows that these diseases are incurable and fatal. These are the consequences of an internal crisis and conflicts with oneself. Therefore, before going to doctors, you need to take help and advice from a psychologist. Often the doctors themselves tell the patient: “You need to visit a psychologist!” This practice has now become the norm everywhere, and the psychological culture of people is growing more and more rapidly. Psychological help has become available to people especially recently. The quality of specialist psychologists has increased, and many independent private offices and psychological assistance centers have appeared. This creates competitiveness, which has a qualitative impact on improving the qualifications of psychologists and their psychological services. Private psychologists are more mobile, freer in the choice of training and education, more qualified, and invest more financially in their development. They appear more independent in life and are able to cope with the difficulties of the free market. This is proof that such specialists are especially effective for their clients because they have dealt with the emotional hooks and crises of their personality and life. This means they will teach their client, help alleviate the condition and achieve a stable way out of the crisis of the soul. Consequently, they will help change the client’s reality not only with theoretical knowledge and psychological exercises, but also with their own success, freedom, faith and clear example. By the way, such a psychologist himself undergoes many trainings, hours of personal, individual counseling and supervision. These are international requirements for this class of specialists. Yes, and in reality, how can a person help with his inability to cope with reality situations and crises? Nothing other than planting your “cockroaches” in the psyche of another. Therefore, before choosing a psychological mentor for yourself,.