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Scientists confidently declare: man was created for two basic functions - to preserve life and to have pleasure. “And they lived happily ever after.” Actually, we could put an end here. If we believed in this, if we were healed of the harmful habit of suffering, deserving, conforming and working out. Thus begins the most merciless and senseless war of a person against himself. After all, the primary law of the body is the self-preservation of life in any form and shape. Whereas the Soul requires pleasure, joy and love. Our body is incredibly strong - meridians of energy fields, powerful muscles, high-speed reaction impulses. Our biosuit is so ingenious that “taking it down” at once is not as simple a task as it seems. “Why do I need such a life? - the soul thinks. - If there is no place for love and happiness in it, if everything I dream about is impossible, and everything I want is forbidden. Why do I always owe everyone, but no one owes me?” Thus begins the saddest story of self-deception. Anxious thoughts and disappointments become our eternal companions, forming a gray field above our heads. They close the channels of intuition, inspiration, energy. We complain about fatigue, lash out at loved ones, choose tear-jerking films and songs, bleeding out with self-pity. Gradually, these invisible flashes of pain acquire density, choosing for ourselves comfortable hidden places in our souls and bodies. A thought is transformed into an emotion - a disease arises. And then the mind comes in - survive at any cost! We begin to selflessly fight the disease, not realizing that even a temporary victory will not change anything until we understand what exactly the disease is fraught with. Illness is an attempt by your soul to enter into dialogue. When all childhood dreams are forgotten, when all tears are swallowed, and desires are blocked, your “I” declares a revolution. Do you want health? Start negotiations! A disease is an information error, a virus, an incorrect task. Don't fool yourself. We are an amazing bioprogram, a spacesuit for the soul. Our body is not for illness. However, it clearly and faithfully serves the orders of the mind. In my practice there was a patient whose son suffered from painful dermatitis. The child was long-awaited, endlessly loved by his parents, who controlled his every step. The only way to demonstrate one’s will was to scratch, tear the skin, and give vent to painful energy. Having heeded the recommendations, the parents hardly decided to send their son to visit his grandparents for the summer. They got back a completely healthy child. How? The child simply forgot that he was sick. No one pressed him with edifications, no one controlled him. The boy finally felt the sought-after happiness in life - a pleasure that can heal our body. Let's clarify the situation once and for all. Laziness is a lack of motivation. Lies are a defense mechanism. This sweet couple comes into our lives when we become bored and scared. Therefore, the treatment of such “leprosy” is very logical - stop forcing yourself with what does not suit your soul. Earning money from a job you don’t like, you spend it on doctors and an unhealthy lifestyle. Forcing ourselves into relationships out of fear of loneliness, we later spend these hours in queues at endocrinologists, cardiologists, and gynecologists. Shoot the flying “geese” of generic attitudes: let them fly to the north, and you to the south. To the sea, happiness, joy. Illness is a signal of intervention in the architecture of the world. An attempt to control everything and everyone is tightly built into our educational programs. In a global sense, we do not control anything in this life. Living in the illusion of a “controller”, we first of all run the risk of constantly being disappointed and being treated. All that depends on us is a sense of truth and choice here and now. By constantly imposing your will on the world, you violate its boundaries. Your body - part of the world - responds in kind. What should you do? Choose happiness.