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A recent article about hypersensitivity caused a fairly large response, which suggests that even within our community there are many such people. Therefore, it was advisable to make material on how to help yourself in everyday life if you are that hypersensitive person. Let us remember that hypersensitive people are those who cannot ignore external stimuli. They have a hard time withstanding loud sounds, bright colors, strong smells, tastes, etc., as well as those situations that are accompanied by emotional experiences, associated with serious changes in life, a large number of people, pain, rush, etc. So, How to help yourself? Reduce the time you use gadgets. Since many people now work directly on a computer, smartphone and/or tablet, the rule should be: “at work, only work.” You can even install a special program on your device that will block non-working resources while you are busy. Remove gadgets strictly an hour before going to bed. TV also applies to them. Don’t watch the news, if you react heavily to them and spend a lot of resources thinking about them, your anxiety increases and your mood deteriorates. Try to eat without distractions - reading, talking, and again, gadgets. This reduces the load on the senses. If you drive a car and have to regularly stand in traffic jams, add relaxing and soothing music to your playlist. It will also be useful to master quick breathing practices for relaxation. Take your time during a conversation, pause more often and listen to your interlocutor. The same applies to disputes and conflicts - do not rush to respond with caustic remarks, breathe for 4-5 counts, then speak. Walking in the fresh air is a classic and one of the most universal recommendations for almost any occasion. For people with hypersensitivity, this is very important, since such walks greatly relax the nervous system. Plan your future day in advance: uncertainty is not the best companion for hypersensitive people. At the same time, you don’t need to clutter your plan with countless tasks - learn to prioritize. Prepare in advance for events that require you to be in a noisy, crowded environment (if you cannot help but participate in them). Separately, it should also be noted that every hypersensitive person is a unique. Therefore, it is important to identify exactly YOUR irritants, and then build your life in such a way as to minimize the discomfort caused by these irritants (if possible, remove them altogether). Tell me about yourself: what is your biggest trigger? What helps you with increased sensitivity? Book a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪