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How to properly forbid something to a child? Prohibitions are necessary for a child, but they are needed in the same way as permission. Only you yourself can decide what to prohibit your child and what not. But deciding this is not so easy. Some psychologists differentiate prohibitions using colors. I noticed that many people like this simple classification of prohibitions. At my consultations, parents of children analyze their educational tactics and note that it becomes clearer how to be more consistent in their prohibitions. The so-called “red” bans - they are not discussed, it’s simply not allowed, that’s all! This is unambiguous and the main thing must always be observed. “Orange” prohibitions - they can already be discussed, explained, weighing the pros and cons. “Yellow” - warning prohibitions, for example, “I wouldn’t want you to... .", "this is not very useful, therefore...." And "green" prohibitions - "I think that ....., but you decide for yourself." If there are more “red”, strict prohibitions in the family, then we can assume that the child will grow up strict, demanding, passive, and will experience a lot of tension. If, on the contrary, there are more permissions, then the child can grow up active, taking risks, but frequent conflicts with those around you, i.e. The child may have a poor sense of other people's boundaries. It is necessary to maintain a balance in prohibitions and permissions, and it is better to rely on your own intuition and experience. You can also think of an alternative to the ban, for example, you can’t jump on the sofa, but you can jump on the floor on pillows, etc..