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Models of personality behavior in a conflict situation. There are 3 main models of personality behavior in a conflict situation, each of which is accompanied by certain behavioral characteristics of the personality. Constructive or rational model. We can talk about such a model if the following behavior predominates in a person: - the individual strives to resolve the conflict, - there is a focus on finding an acceptable solution, - the person is distinguished by restraint and self-control, - there is a friendly attitude towards the opponent, - openness and sincerity in communication, - a person Laconic and taciturn in communication. Destructive model. This model is determined by the following behavioral characteristics of the individual: - constantly strives to aggravate or expand the conflict; - constantly belittles the partner; - negatively evaluates the personality of the opponent; - shows suspicion and distrust of the opponent; - violates the ethics of communication. Conformist model. The characteristic behavior of an individual for this model is: - passivity and inertia, - a tendency to make concessions, - inconsistency in assessments and judgments, - inconsistency of behavior, - agreement with any point of view. Individual style of behavior in conflict. Individual style of behavior of a person is determined by a set of goals and actions (not always conscious of the individual) aimed at resolving the conflict or getting out of it. The style of behavior in a conflict can be individual and applied depending on the situation, goals or actions of the opponent. At the same time, several typical ones can be identified, taking into account the characteristic behavior of the individual. Affiliate style. A person is aimed at sharing responsibility equally with his opponent. Persuasion oriented. Pragmatic style. There is a focus on obtaining practical results. Focused on manipulation. Psychoprotective style. The individual aims to preserve his own value and internal integrity. Aimed at minimizing the negative impact on him. Dominant style. Characterized by a focus on achieving one’s own goal. The individual regulates the behavior of the partner, tries to seize the initiative and dominates the communication process. Contact style. Actively strives for contact in order to influence the opponent and direct the course of his actions in the right direction. Self-affirming style. The partner's behavior is devalued. The personality aims to bring the opponent out of balance and impose his will or decision. Affiliate, pragmatic and psychoprotective styles can be classified as a constructive model of conflict resolution. These styles are largely explained by the natural or biological conditioning of the individual. Dominant, contact and self-affirming styles belong to the destructive model and often depend on the personal qualities of the person. Thus, taking into account the type of conflict personality (which are presented in the previous article), the behavior model and style of the opponent , you can choose and use the most optimal strategy for each conflict situation. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can leave them here in the comments. Your Positive Psychologist, Olga Obukhova.