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From the author: Not every doctor or psychologist can help you get rid of an illness or problem. This is necessary to know and understand for everyone who wants to solve this or that problem or recover from an illness. How to find a good doctor or psychologist - that’s what this article is about. This is just one of my favorite articles, read and applied in life, written by the Teacher who helped me become who I AM! In his first specialty, he is a doctor, oncologist surgeon. Existential therapist, astrologer and self-made man who has helped many people. He was a good doctor. The best doctor is the man himself. And the best medicine is love. HorseThe ability to find “your doctor,” that is, a doctor who can help, is the main task of the patient. It is surprising that a person spends more time and effort looking for a good hairdresser or tailor than looking for a specialist who can cure him. In most cases, a person pays for his laziness or blind faith, falling under the hypnotic influence of titles and ranks attributed to this or that luminary of the medical art. A good doctor is usually a modest doctor, for him the main thing is what he can do, not titles and title. Responsibility for health Let me remind you once again that it is not the doctor who treats the person, but the person is treated with the help of the doctor. The person is responsible for health, not someone else. Only the person himself decides whether to undergo treatment or not, and if to undergo treatment, that is, to seek help, then to whom. From my long-term practice, I can add the following observation, which has grown into a rule, and I have seen from hundreds of examples that it works: “If a person does not love himself and does not trust the doctor, it is impossible to cure him!” There is nothing surprising or unnatural in this. For ourselves, we are ready to do everything that needs to be done in order to get rid of the disease. But if we don’t really love ourselves, then by calling for mercy and help from others, we will unconsciously continue to destroy ourselves. I observed such paradoxical behavior in many patients. They, with tears in their eyes, talked about how bad they felt, that they were ready to do anything just to get rid of the disease (as I was later convinced only in words) and at the same time they did not want anything do to really get rid of your bad habits, inappropriate desires, perverted thoughts that caused certain diseases. Point of view I share the point of view of those doctors who said: There are no chronic diseases, there are stupid doctors. Any disease can be treated as easily as pulling out a splinter. If the disease is not cured, it means that the patient does not want to be treated or he did not turn to his doctor. From this quote it becomes clear that two essential conditions are necessary for cure: The patient wants to be treated, and the doctor can treat, that is, he knows how help a person get rid of his illness. I believe that you understand that we are talking about a disease that has not reached the stage of agony, when even resuscitation is powerless and the person says goodbye to life. I’m talking about those most common cases when a person can still be helped to regain the lost health of the body and the bliss of the Soul given to him by God. 4 ways of interaction between a doctor and a patient While engaged in medical practice, I identified 4 fundamental ways of interaction between a doctor and a patient: The doctor does not can (does not know what to do with the patient) - the patient does not want (to change). The doctor cannot - the patient wants (is ready to change, give up bad habits). The doctor can (knows how, what and when to do) - the patient does not want. The doctor can - the patient wants. Which of the interaction options will be chosen by the people participating in this interaction will determine the outcome of treatment. Conditions for treatment Knowledge of these options allows us to predict the outcome of treatment. To achieve a cure, two indispensable conditions are necessary: ​​the patient wants it, the doctor can. The main thing for the patient is an unshakable desire to be cured, that is, to strive for healing by changing: 317284492