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As a rule, every adequate girl dreams of a strong shoulder, a faithful, devoted, reliable, pure husband. Not a traitor. Behind which, as they say, it would be like behind a stone wall. And she exposes herself in the world to indecent limits, thereby attracting unreliable men who love, so to speak, to have fun with women and that’s all. Sometimes a girl goes out of her way to show how beautiful she is. She wants a worthy man to pay attention to her. And to take her for life, and not dream of anyone else. But a man focused on starting a family, even if he appears on the horizon, will try to pass by. More than once I have heard complaints from girls who decorated themselves so that all the charms were visible, that why do I come across those who just want to sleep with me and that’s all, then as a rule they disappear somewhere, having received theirs. It’s a pity, they understand too late that external appearance of oneself plays a very important role on a non-verbal level. As a rule, to create a family, men look for a modest wife who will not show off her virtues to everyone. Girls, if you want to meet a reliable man who is focused on starting a family, behave more modestly. Work first of all on acquiring such qualities as femininity, gentleness, mercy, generosity, naturalness.. Do not rush to start an intimate life before legal marriage, do not waste yourself all kinds of fornication, keep your virginity until marriage with your loved one. It is these qualities that attract reliable and strong men and do not be fooled by what is now being promoted in the media, especially on the TNT channel, such as House 2 and other dirt. It’s all paid for, in order to brutalize our people, reduce them to the level of instincts, weaken our state through the destruction of family and traditional values. After all, the family is the unit of society. I think that such recommendations will begin to cause concern for some people, but as they say, you can’t please everyone, sorry if which is not so. Naturalness is very valuable in our time. When they say “be natural” it means: appreciate what you have been given. Otherwise, a man will fall in love with a girl with layers of plaster on her face, and then wash it off. And he will be surprised and upset, he will feel deceived. A girl will also be upset with him. How much you have to try to become yourself and have a sense of proportion. Sometimes a girl passes by, and from afar she already smells of eau de toilette - a bad feeling after that, sometimes it even hurts her nose. And sometimes a girl can barely put on perfume , and the feeling that it is she who smells so fragrant, one just wants to compliment such a girl, to note her sense of taste and proportion. Fashionable coloring or a fashionable cut is no longer a highlight, but bad taste and lack of taste.