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From a psychological perspective, impulse buying can be associated with a number of factors and emotional states. People often make impulse purchases as a result of various emotions, such as stress, boredom, sadness or joy. Stress can lead to so-called “therapeutic buying”, when people resort to shopping in an attempt to cope with negative emotions. They use shopping as a way to escape their problems and temporarily lift their spirits. However, this often only leads to short-term relief and can then lead to feelings of guilt or relapse. Boredom can also be a reason for impulse buying. When we are bored or feel empty, we may try to fill that emptiness with unnecessary purchases. This is due to the need for instant gratification or the feeling of excitement that making a purchase can generate. Sadness and loneliness can also stimulate impulse buying. People may buy things to comfort or ease their mood. They forget about the consequences and seek instant gratification through purchases. On the other hand, joy and euphoria can also be associated with impulse buying. In moments of happiness or success, people may be inclined to think less about consequences and buy happily. It may also be due to the desire to reward ourselves for achievements or to dress ourselves up during holidays and special events. All of these emotional factors can influence our purchasing decisions, and manufacturers and marketers often use this knowledge to encourage impulse purchases. This can be done through manipulating prices, creating urgency and restrictions, creating emotional images and atmosphere in stores. Understanding these psychological factors will help us become more aware consumers and more resistant to marketing gimmicks. We can develop strategies to manage our emotions and restrain ourselves from impulse buying. This may include developing healthy coping mechanisms for stress, budgeting wisely, and making informed purchasing decisions based on our actual needs and goals..