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It happens that a person strictly follows the rules of beneficial nutrition for weight loss, the weight goes down, the mood goes up - but then it happens: a feast. All promises to yourself, hard-won nutritional rules and glimpses of reason go to hell. It’s especially difficult for externalizers (people with an external type of eating behavior - those who can say to themselves: “I’m a simple person: I see food - I eat it”): Olivier is invitingly spread out in the basin and beckons... I don’t think I’ll discover America with my advice, but I still hope that they will help someone not to overeat at the feast. Let's sit closer to the meat and vegetables, away from harmful things. We put everything tasty for ourselves on the plate IMMEDIATELY (= we immediately see the volume with which we will definitely fill up). We don’t come to the feast wildly hungry. We need to eat at least 4-4.5 hours before the feast. (Sometimes it happens that we arrive at the appointed time to visit - and the food has not even begun to be prepared. If you expect that this could happen this time, it makes sense to either eat at home immediately before going to visit (depending on your meal schedule, of course), or take some kind of snack with you (or bring some profitable food with you to help the hostess (and in fact it will be helping yourself). We sit at the table straight to feel full. (If we we sit leaning forward towards the table, for example, there is a lot of space in the stomach, and you will not physically feel that there is already enough food there). We rid ourselves of people who want to feed and water us (that is, we do not sit next to them). We sit away from them. people who are unpleasant to us (whose tactless questions and annoying behavior we can eat up). It’s not tasty - we don’t finish it. We don’t take refills. We don’t drink sweet drinks (liquid calories that easily fit even into a full stomach: 200 ml of juice = 100 kcal. Can you imagine how much Can you drink juice in a couple of hours of feasting?) We drink water (can be flavored with lemon, ginger, cucumber), mineral water, tea without sugar - this is zero calories. I ate - got up and left (dance, clear the table, go to the toilet, go outside breathe, watch TV). After 4 hours we have the right to eat again. If there is a holiday at our home, we give all guests food to take with them (you need to buy disposable containers in advance). If we're not at home, we don't take anything with us..