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From the author: The article or any part of it cannot be copied and reproduced in any information system without the permission of the author. Copying, reproduction and other use of an article or part of it without the consent of the author is illegal and entails criminal, administrative and civil liability. All articles are regularly checked on Anti-plagiarism. Very often I hear the following request from girls: “How to get a guy back? Tell me what I need to do, how to behave, so that he comes back?” In response to these questions, my article was born. Well, first of all, I want to wag my finger at the female population and say that you yourself brought the situation to this point. By our availability and living in the notorious civil marriages, we ourselves have given men a free hand. With every personal and family crisis, they run into the arms of others for consolation, since the choice is now large and varied, and they have no special obligations to us. Well, that's it, a lyrical digression. What is, that is, will have to proceed from the existing situation. How to get your loved one back? The answer is simple: you go to your grandmother, spend all your money on a love spell... and you realize that this is IMPOSSIBLE. Let me explain, you can be with the same man, you can make peace, renew your relationship. But you won't get anything back. How the day was spent. Relationships can be created anew... a good word is renewed. The mistake of many girls, and even experienced women, is that we want everything to be as before, so that there are little boobs and little boobies. And even when the beloved suddenly returns, complaints begin: “Well, since he’s back, let’s do it as before, but why do I need you like that. Give flowers as before, call me “kitten”, but you used to…” But the man came completely different, he went through a crisis, one might say, like after a war, with post-traumatic disorder, tired, hungry, but still brought out of the fire one small value in a relationship that he could cling to. And here...serve as before. The crisis has passed, this person will never be the same, you will never be the same, and the relationship will never be the same. Can't be returned. It can be resumed. The second trap is that we have forgotten how to store, protect and endure. In Soviet times, you couldn’t throw away your boots after a season of wear, because you could be left without boots for several years. Now there are no irreplaceable things. Everything is for the season, while new and clean. I had a young man who never even washed his socks - he bought new ones. Modern society does not know what it means to walk around in nylon tights sewn with blue thread; the words “patch” and “fix” are not in the vocabulary of many at all. Do you feel what I'm getting at? It’s the same with people. If it’s broken, get out, if you don’t satisfy me, I’ll find someone else. We all want there to be a celebration and dancing. It doesn't happen like that. In every relationship there are crises, everywhere there is seasonality. And I am sincerely amused by young couples who say: “But that’s not how it is with us.” Don't want to lose your loved one? Well, then you can prepare a little for a relationship, at least read a book about the stages in a relationship, go to a psychologist. Prepare water, matches and salt for the future. We also don’t know how to endure, neither in relationships nor after. There are a lot of complaints against each other, but when we break up, that’s it... I can’t live. No cooperation, no compromise, everything is like in a fight. People! Well, who are you fighting with, what are you fighting for? When we break up, emotions frighten us, loneliness is unbearable, pain is something terrible and unnatural. Not even a day has passed, and we’re already taking sedative pills. Well, and the last thing. Return. It sounds like “against your will.” Help me return it. That is, give a list of manipulations so that he comes back and doesn’t seem to understand anything. Where is the love? Where is the respect here? Why come back to you after this? And we don’t know how everything will turn out. Maybe if you let him take a walk to think, maybe he would have come himself, but he didn’t have such an opportunity, because he was fighting off calls from constant meetings from his “beloved”. A…